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Posts posted by vision386

  1. Plenty to do in Frisco! many good places to eat,i really recommend Fishermans Wharf! doesn't run all year,but it's neat to take the boatride/tour of Alcatraz too!......................................Mark

  2. I never knew a sleeper version of that Dodge was even made! never saw one before. My local volunteer fire department in Jersey had a 54 Dodge fire engine (the chiefs truck) with a 392? Hemi in it..................................Mark

  3. Saw something this morning you Chicago guys should be on the look out for! what I consider one of the best looking women I've ever seen driving a truck! I picked up in Gurnee,IL this morning,and was coming back towards the city on 294,when what pulls up next to me but a young looking Dolly Parton driving a Mack! I know,i know,no pictures or it didn't happen (way too much traffic to fool with phone/camera),but this girl was HOT!!!!! red and white RD single axle,looked like it may have been just painted,white two hole wheels,plastic fenders over the drives,pulling a crappy looking steel older model black 3 axle demolition dump.with abbonzio? abbonizio ? contractor rentals on it (black and yellow signs)maybe 30-35 years old, wearing a black tank top.tight-ass jeans with dagger fingernails (pink) and cowboy boots,if I had to guess,maybe something in the neighborhood of 38 DD's!!!!! I about burnt the old girl up trying to catch up for another look! I was next to her up to the 294/94 split,but considered going her way for just one more look!...............................Mark

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  4. Geez Al,a couple new batteries,some fresh fuel,couple cans of either,you could have prolly DRIVEN that chassis home! (like they used to do with schoolbuses) Lol!...............................Mark

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  5. Ernie,i remember the kind you're talking about! REAL short hood and wheelbase? didn't ESSO or HESS outta Bayonne have some of them too,was single axles?................................Mark

  6. That could be a nice one Al! I always liked that style A-Car,used to see one as a boy around South Jersey,a tractor with a Mercury sleeper on it,not a show-piece mind you,but a real sharp truck. I saw it sitting still once and had a closer look,it was Cummins powered,two sticks,did'nt know any better back then,but it was on a Reyco suspension! pretty rare back then to see what we considered a "West Coast" in Jersey,much less a conventional!....................................Mark

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