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Rich Reinhart

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Rich Reinhart

  1. OK, seeing what happened involving pictures used on this site, I started to think. (No easy task for me sometimes,) anyway, My challange to all of you is to get out there and take as many pictures as you can, Truck Shows, old iron on the job, hulks rusting in a field, shoot them all. They are`nt going to be around forever, that R Model you took a picture of today might be gone next week. Take a bunch and lets see what we get...

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  2. It must have left one hell of a "shadow" where it proudly was displayed for 40+ years ? I talked to a :mack1: guy,Jerry Warmkessel,at MATS a couple of years back.He said at that time, the bulldog was to stay on the building and it would always be known as "The :mack1: Building".Guess things must have changed,huh? A buddy of mine bought a picture from Bob Johnson a couple of years ago at Macungie, of a J.(Joe)H. Beers B model dump,putting fill around the then new HQ building.I keep buggin' him about the whereabouts of that picture!! It was cool,no sidewalks poured yet.But the B model was loaded, and in the background was the :bulldog1: !

    I`d like to see that, I grew up a few blocks from JH Beers, he was a friend of my Dads..

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