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Terry T

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Posts posted by Terry T

  1. I snagged the below from a thread on ATHS addressing this issue.

    At the ATHS.ORG HOME page,
    Hit the ATHS Online tab.

    you will see a list, at the bottom of the list is the ATHS forums button.


  2. This is the unit I drove when I was still with the race team before coming to "the dark side". Always parked inside excpet when at the race track and the one time I brought it home which is where the profile pic was taken. Drove like a dream, topped out at 87 mph, and depending on how heavy my foot was the MPG was between 9 & 14 loaded with all our gear, 1 or 2 racecars, food & drink for a 2 day show.







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  3. It will be interesting to know what started the fire.

    Fires inside of refuse trucks are not uncommon. I can think of 3 in Ft Wayne, IN over the past 20 years that made the news & I can think of one more that I seen the driver noticed it quickly and took action. That one was a front loader in the days of vertical exhaust and some of the trash laid on top of the packer then fell down between the cab & packer onto the exhaust stack. They usually make the news because they disrupt traffic because normally the only way to fight the fire is for the driver to dump the load where ever he might be which disrupts traffic and, of course, makes a big mess. In this story the news account I seen even mentioned that a driver will normally dump the trash but he was concerned because of overhead power lines so he didn't. Which made me think, Why not just move the damned thing?

  4. The only time I seen this paint scheme was on the 1979 (I believe) Mack calendar. They used the scheme on the Valueliner (pictured), Cruiseliner & Superliner. The 3 of them were together on the Jan page & each was seen throughout the year. I'm not saying the scheme was not availble for order but it was a very sharp scheme to never show up anyplace else. Not that this info helps you but if I had to guess I'd say the scheme went across the back just as it is or may have ended several inches after turning around the back panel as some others did.

    Got me thinking... I believe it was the 1978, not 1979 calendar. I didn't think about it when you mentioned 78 in your initial post.

  5. I worked as a service writer for the local Nissan & Infinity dealership for about a year. That's all the longer it took me to be sold on what great product they offer. Numerous customers with 200k, 300k and at least one with over 400k on their Nissan's. Had I not landed the great deal I did on the the Jag XJ8 I would have bought an Infinity eventually and probably still will at some point.

    A very nice thing you did finding his glasses and taking the time to take them to him as well.

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  6. The car that was sold at auction was Burt's personal car. There were only 3 T/A's provided by GM for the original movie and all 3 were either destroyed durning filming or were not worth repairing by the end of filming. The bridge jump was done early in produciton & that car was destroyed filming the sequence and was then used as a parts car to keep the other two running for the remainder of production. There is a really good interview with Hal Needham about the filming of the orginal movie that I have on DVD which is where I got this info about the movie cars. Ironically GM was relunctant to be involved in a movie with such highway hijix prior to the release of the movie but afterwards the movie was credited with causing the hugh sales numbers of Pontiac's Trans Am.

    Personally, I have owned two 1978 T/A's. One black with an automatic & one gold with a 4 speed. Both VERY fun to drive.

  7. Years ago the old ATHS fourm was just as good as this one. Then a few hard heads messed it up, forced a change and imposed new restrictions...needless to say they ruined it and last I recall someone started a stand alone fourm but in my opinion by that time all the well versed truck collectors and historians had enough, myself included.


    Bill Johnson is no longer with ATHS Some of the RVP's, Kevin Black, Rick Knox included, are trying to get the forum back up and running again like it use to. Many of us who moved to Eddy's Just Old Trucks are in wait & see mode. The JOT has close to as much traffic as the old ATHS forums did but I don't think the two combined have as much as this one does. This is JOT: http://forums.justoldtrucks.com


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