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Posts posted by hatcity

  1. 2 hours ago, HeavyGunner said:

    Look at the caliber of inexperienced drivers trucking companies are hiring. Not learning how to shift is a huge obstacle to circumvent with an auto trans. Not saying that good drivers don’t use them but I’d bet 85% of the people using them ie swift, hunt, merganthaler etc are are putting first day drivers behind the wheel of them. 


    I understand there is a place and use for autos even if it’s preference based. I drove an auto in the yard dog spotting trailers and hooking sets. Would have been a long day if it was a manual. But I feel very strongly that I’m right about big trucking companies are outfitting their trucks with autos to get more inexperienced drivers in seats. Being able to shift no matter where you’re at is a skill and many don’t have it. I think their driving skills or lack there of in a semi shows too. 

    being stopped on a hill would result in a lot of pretzel driveshafts

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  2. 1 minute ago, Red Horse said:

    Well NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt covered this accident tonight and the big story was seat belts. While this was the focus of the story, and they acknowledged NJ has them, they did mention in a "by the way" fashion that the bus driver had something like 8 speeding conviction.  

    Absolutely NO MENTION of the unbelievable CAUSE of this accident. So much for meaningful reporting.

    I don't know if the school bu was operated by the school district or a private bus contractor but heads should roll in whatever management oversaw this operation.

    heard that his license had been suspended 14, YES 14 times, besides the speeding

  3. what will the costs be to just get the truck ready for the road (tags, insurance,...)

    think of all the expense of putting another driver on (wage, taxes, WC,...)

    then think of anticipated revenues from additional truck on the road

    my opinion: switch them out day to day. find out what is wrong with new purchase, fix it, then you can shut the main truck down for needed items


  4. 2 hours ago, gxbxc said:

    No Bourbon and beefsteak must have been after my times I was there Christmas 1969 and Oct 1970.  But I suddenly remembered a couple of teen age fight bars ,The Dialtone  Steak house (where you used a phone to call in your order I don't think they sold a steak after the first week)The two boweling allies  were also teenage fight clubs.and because it was a college town there were floating dance /booze parties  that would set up where ever  they could rent a space .At one time Danbury Ct had more bars than any other city it's size in Ct

    known as the Barbary coast

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  5. Dump truck has a polished aluminum body. spent quite a while to get it looking better.

    BUT!!! water I use is hard. There is a salt system softener on it.

    Problem is that the salt deposits leave a mess if not wiped down quickly.

    Any product I can use to get rid of them....besides more Mothers?

    thanks, Ed

  6. 2 hours ago, Rob said:

    PUll the faceplates off from the heater assemblies. You will see both heater core, and a/c evaporator in there. It's usually best and easiest to do a good job if you remove the heater core from the housing to give free access to the area. I take a garden hose and shop vac and wash them clean from inside the truck. Use a bunch of towels but be sure to tell your wife or girlfriend first as they get a little "pissy" seeing all those wet and dirty towels in the wash covered in dirt.

    sounds like experience


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