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david wild

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by david wild

  1. 40 minutes ago, Rob said:

    You can get a Detroit two stroke diesel to not leak oil but you have to assemble them correctly. My 12V-71T and several others over the years were kept leak free once this phenomena was addressed and good quality seals/gaskets installed with straight flanges were implemented.

    Me too I stopped putting oil in it.

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  2. I don't know how you guys can be so hateful to left wing loons, just because they hate America and wish all hard working people ill will is disgraceful, now I know that some left winger will come to their defence about how they too love America but words are cheap and actions speak volumes on one's real intent,  I am still waiting for a left winger to defend their actions against Trump, lowest unemployment on record , jobs, jobs and more jobs even jobs that O crap for brains said were gone and were never coming back have some how showed back up,  I ponder how that happened, was it the influx of people from others countries and they brought them with them, or was it because we made so many regulations that they thought it would be good to spend millions of dollars trying produce goods in a hostile business enviroment,   really how does a Democrat rationalize being a Democrat ??? you gotta HATE America that is how you can be Democrat, and yes that hurts and remember what mommy said about sticks and stones and only the truth hurts ?? Stone gets to go to jail and Hillary walks ????? the FISA court gets douped and no ones goes to jail but Flynn does, left wingers are disgusting trash and the trash needs to be taken to the landfill and made like Hoffa

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  3. Think about it your strolling through mall and along comes a set legs that go from here to there and of course a set of hooters that have Grand Canyon cleavage and of course her blouse is like one size to small and you gaze at her beauty and your called a pig ????   well if you did not dress that way which I assume was done so that I would look then you would have to worry about me taking in the sites but instead you entrap me into looking only so that I could be accused of being a pig and of course I doubt that my tongue wagging back forth had nothing to do with it. she should attend a truck show and then would know that tongue wagging an drooling are not specific to women and I have yet to called a  pig from any truck so the problem lies with her  and yes I have undressed some women with my eyes only to find after all the supporting equipment was removed and gravity took over the picture was not very good.

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  4. I want Victoria Secrets closed, all make up manufactures closed in fact I think all women should wear old potato sacks that way there would nothing to look at that could hurt their feelings ??? see how long that lasts, most women get what what they want because they are women and men like women and will spend money on them, maybe they should think twice with what they think they want or maybe it's just the ugly ones pushing radical thinking ????? 

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  5. OK so the stadium is on the MO. side of the river ?? but it is still Kansas or close enough for me, know how many people here in the South think that New Yorkers are Yankees ????  hello there NOT.  they even try to include ya'll from MI. and MN.  

  6. This will make you sick, Al Wheeler who was the Mack dealer in Las Vegas years ago, God rest his soul,  was a super nice guy, bought a Superliner with E9 from him anyway he had a backyard at his shop and had probably dozen Hayward F models back there, after he passed away they all were scrapped, being in Vegas the sheet metal was perfect, I let the person in charge of cleaning up what a  brain dead I thought he was, we have not spoke since. (no great loss)   

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