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Double L

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Double L

  1. I thought the new Mustangs were made out of fiberglass as well? Like Rob said they all have their strong and weak points. Fact of the matter is we can all agree they sure don't make trucks like they use to back in the 60's-90's. It's like the semi's of today, the ones of yester year would last forever but these new plastic contraptions are nothing but fleet throw away trucks. I've owned both a Ford and Chevy.

    Ford: Strong point-300 cid straight 6 and the 5spd manual and the straight 6's were known to have a lot of low end torque, good fuel mileage, reliable. Weak point-Nothing I can think of

    Chevy: Strong point-350 V8, reliable. Weak point-Alright/Horrible gas mileage(depends on how if I'm getting in it or not), not a manual.

  2. You said your dad could rebuild a 350 in 24 hours. . .

    I was just stating my 350's could not have been rebuilt ! they all seemed to spin #7 rod bearing and bust a whole in the block . . .

    There for leading to my comment of you can't weld up the holes in the block !

    still confused ?


    Alright I understand now. Hell I'll admit I'm not the most mechanically inclined person but I do most of my own mechanic work. In my opinion it's cheaper than paying for a mechanic to do it and gives me something to do and cuss at. I just had the valves in mine adjusted in July cause I got a tank of bad gas and it had no power, knocking and pouring out blue smoke from the exhaust, it was so bad it would had put an ole Mack Superliner to shame.

  3. Let's see here the first link you posted Rowdy, the person sued. You can tell a tire is old by using common sense and looking at the sidewall. Most people are so much in a hurry they don't think to do a pre trip before they leave, I do one before I leave all the time. I check the tires, oil, and check for leaks. Also another reason why tires fail so early is cause people are too much in a hurry to check their tire pressure and then wonder why they get crappy fuel mileage.

  4. Hell Rowdy very few otr trucks have much of anything. There are some that don't even have air suspension dumps and some only have 3-4 gauges it's sickening. Then again most of them companies are "cheap" but yet they won't buy apu's for their driver's and then bitch when their driver's idle 50% of the time and them threatens to terminate them if they don't get their idling time down. That is another topic for discussion in it's own.

  5. Hi!....tell little Zoe that she has good taste in movies. I happen to love that movie, it has been my favorite since it came out. And I like Polar Express also. My girl friend laughs at me when I ask her if we can go upstairs and watch CARS on her big screen. I get my way sometimes when i'm at her house only when she's not watching America's Got Talent or Ballgames.

    The SuperLiner got my attention pulling Lightning McQueen around. I also thought about OtherDog when McQueen got lost and found the Peterbilt at the railroad tracks in the night......But, one thing that captured me to loving that movie was when McQueen was released from the inpound and went on the ride through the mountains. It was what was said on the mountain looking off to McQueen as why the Porche fell inlove with that region. It was a very inportant part for me that I remember growing up and is a part of me today thanks to my late father.

    Thanks for sharing that with me today and say a Hello to Zoe for me.


    Goes to show your still a kid at heart Mike. There is nothing wrong with that at all! :thumb:B)

  6. Dammit! Yer in America...talkin' American trucks & cars...call it what it is: 300cid straight 6

    I get funny looks all the time when I go buy parts for my Rangers...one has the 140cid 4-banger, the other a 177cid V-6. They are Fords, and I refuse to give the displacement in that foreign measurement. B)

    I only talk "liters" for my motorsickle...which is a Kawasaki. :blush:

    Sir yes sir! You want me to drop and give ya 20 as well? :lol:

  7. I tell ya what I may not be a Ford guy but when I had my 89 F150 with a 5spd BorgWarner with a 4.9 inline 6 and now that is one engine you can't destroy! I still kick myself in the ass to this day for getting rid of it, yup Rowdy you heard it from a GM guy himself! I've known GM 350's to last forever. I know my dad could tear down a 350 or any engine for that matter and rebuilt it in less than 24 hours. As far as GM transmissions goes the 700R4 in my opinion is their best transmission next to the 350 turbo. Also the transmission in my truck was rebuilt by a guy who I know and trust to do the work right the first time and when he rebuilds transmission they last!

  8. That wouldn't be a bad conversion. I'm thinking a Mack JR on your Dodge, with a Cummins would be neat. That's just my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions, they are just like chevrolet's, every asshole has got one.

    That would be pretty sweet to do.

  9. Dodge does win in the room department, they are very roomy. I may look at a Dodge for my next purchase as far as a pick up truck goes. I hear the Dodge Dakota's even though they are small are one hell of a work truck as well.

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