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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Ditchdiggerjcf

  1. 7 hours ago, Countrylife said:

    Well, that pedal plate is killing me, and the electrical is also giving me some problems today. There is a solenoid, pictured that I think might power the cab, no ideal but it looks it has 12.8v to one side and 0 to the other with 9.2v to the small post. I might put a wrench across it and see what happens but I have a feeling something got hot at one time so I wanna take it slow with that one. 

    I can get it to start to roll over with ether but not prime iteself so I filled the filters with fresh diesel and waiting for the batteries to charge now. 

    Other than that I have been trying to get the pin out of the darn foot pedal to get to the plunger and that has been a challenge. I did put the tage for the motor, not sure what it means I will start looking it up tomorrow. 

    As far as the wife, she knows she is apreciated, I am lucky but I feel this truck might cost me at the negotiating table for future disussions. Just Sayin  I think she gets what she wants now.....





    Do NOT just wail on the end of that pin with a hammer. You will either break the mount or mushroom the head and it will never come out. Put some heat on it and some vise grips on the big and and try to spin it to break it loose.

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