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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by JoeH

  1. The green is because brass has copper in it.  Iron oxidizes red, (rust), aluminum typically forms a hard protective layer when it oxidizes, though if there's something else going on, i.e. chemically or electrically induced oxidation, it will make that white powder. It's the aluminum oxidizing.  Copper oxidizes green. That's what you're seeing on the brass.

    Does the tank have a plug on the bottom? How much water is in the bottom of the tank?

  2. To pay off a new truck just on 1mpg fuel savings, he would have to log almost 3 million miles. (Assuming $7k savings per 100k miles, and 200k truck purchase price, which I picked roughly guessing price + interest) (and assuming fuel prices stay constant over the 3million mile period)

    To my thinking, he's in the right truck, especially factoring in how many rebuilds during the 3 million miles to pay off the truck?

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  3. And to think we still run a 1979 r686st nearly every day. I don't see them banning older trucks, they'll just let them phase out from fatigue and lack of parts support.  Though some jobsites may have equipment age standards that'd restrict a few big companies from using older trucks. Not sure they could legally mandate a ban on trucks that are in good working order that are just "too old.". Unless people like AOC keep getting into Congress and think the world will end in 12 years if we don't spend $90 trillion on dumb shit that has nothing to do with the climate. Communist philosophy: every "disaster" is an opportunity for revolution.

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