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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Maxidyne

  1. 24 minutes ago, storkmack said:

    We had a guy not make it through training for a mixer driver because as he put it and I quote, “ I can make $930 on unemployment a week and not leave my house”.  That’s $23.50 an hour for a 40 hour week. Now if you take a guy like this and give him a job and the others on assistance a job where they can support them selves and pay taxes like most of us do, can you imagine the amount of money that would flood the economy In the form of business and the treasury in the form of taxes?   So maybe it is a poor argument to say to get off the aid and get a job, but I believe there would be an almost unimaginable wealth that would come over our great nation.  

    In Minnesota and many states UI is capped at 2/3rds of previous wage, with an additional $600 a week during the current crisis. Even two decades ago I didn't crawl outa bed for less than $20 and hour, and in an area like Chicago you need to offer at least $25 an hour. Sounds like you need to raise your wages...

  2. 51 minutes ago, GA_Dave said:

    EVERYTHING I stated was the God's honest TRUTH!  I witnessed it for 28 years and I know it is still happening!  I found the last child to be brought out of that fire.

    When added up, the public assistance benefits for a single mother of three, including food, housing, utilities, and healthcare, exceed the wages of people who earn $15/Hr on a full time job.  To top that off, she will pay no income taxes nor property taxes and no FICA taxes.  Why would she ever work?

    Not in Minnesota, especially when you figure in that a family of four with one member working that $15 an hour job will probably get health care through work or be eligible for subsidized health care if not. We structure our assistance programs so you are always better off working if you are able.

  3. As budget "holes" go, welfare doesn't exist anymore and it's replacement, TANF, isn't much more than a rounding error. The biggest chunk of government spending is federal, over half of that is military and a lot of the rest is contractually mandated insurance programs like Social Security and Medicare. If you're looking for savings the low hanging fruit was the military budget, but with unemployment over 10% you don't want to force a lot of military folks onto the job market. So good luck cutting the federal budget, no matter who wins tax loopholes will have to be plugged and trillions more borrowed. At the state and local level there's not a lot of fat to cut and in this recession sales and income tax receipts are down so there's little potential for savings their. As for your half baked political theory, the majority of the young voters the democrats are trying to woo are working at low wage jobs, so a $15 an hour minimum wage is a lot more appealing to them than welfare. If you're looking to cut spending, shut down the scams and close the loopholes that let millionaires get free health care and make millions more without paying a cent of tax.

  4. Let me get this right... You started a move with a 20' wide load pulled by an old Mack without making sure of your permits and routing for the trip. Now your paying out of pocket for a week wasted in a South Dakota motel... And I'm supposed to be jealous?

  5. You forget that we're guests in their land, and we're damn lucky they've tolerated our misbehavior. As for tribal membership, in Minnesota's largest tribal nation about all it gets you is first shot at low wage service jobs in the tribal casino.

  6. 6 hours ago, david wild said:

    No the truth is most likely you are referring to union workers who are only thinking about how fast they can get on disability for stubbing their toe, they wouldn't know a hard day of work if they tripped over it, the days of unions being useful have long gone and have become nothing but a protection scheme for useless workers, I personally have had to deal union workers at powerplant jobs, funny when something critical needed to be done it would happen on the weekend when the union workers were off and we could get things done with out all the drama, your man Obama is the one that sent your jobs overseas, don't you read the jobs reports, don't you read the want ads or the tool box magazines that advertise plant work, everybody was crying for help till the liberal virus came along and yes it is a liberal virus, the virus is just another fraud for Pelosi to use against Trump even though he did what liberals complained about but then it was the right thing to do, to bad your hate for Trump is guided by lemming mentality otherwise you too would see the good Trump has done.  

    Thanks to the Unions I don't have to celebrate my 70th birthday in a few weeks in a truck thousands of miles from home in the middle of a deadly pandemic. Instead I've been able to spend the last 15 years enjoying life and using my skills to do volunteer work for worthy clients like my city that couldn't afford to pay me. Sorry that you haven't been so lucky.

  7. We're waiting for better COVID-19 morbidity stats, but there's enough ancedotal reports of COVID-19 being a cause of chronic illness and disability that we need to further slow it's spread. As for building this country, even though I'm retired that's literally what I do- The water system rebuild project I've been working on for years was just granted 80% of it's funding. And do you really want all of us skilled workers, techs, and engineers to leave? That's exactly what's happening, Trump is chasing so many of these workers out of the country that his "election" set off a real estate boom in Canada!

  8. The traditional wisdom is that it's not the fatalities that cause defeat in a war, it's the burden of caring for the wounded. While COVID-19 fatalities have largely been in the elderly so the loss of productive years of life may not be that damaging to our economy, Loosing millions of productive working age people to disability and millions more to care for them will be a major drag on our economy for decades.

  9. A  noose is a threat, used to intimidate blacks for over a century. In several state's law anyone who has the slightest bit of african-american heritage is defined as black, and that continues in culture today. There was  a simple reason for those laws- Masters often raped their slaves, and the mixed race progeny would be free and even heirs to their masters estate if no will existed.

  10. The F150 diesel flopped in the market because Ford only offered it with premium trims at $50+k prices. Fleets could buy it with plainer trims at more competitive prices, and Ford finally gave in and offered XLT trimmed models to the mass markets for around $40k and up. Looks like the inventory of 2019s is finally clearing out and Ford is building 2020 F150 diesels, but at $40k most buyers will opt for a gasser F150 for thousands less or an F250 diesel for about the same price.

  11. Not surprising, Jackson basicly declared war on native americans. As for the rest of the fallen and falling symbols of white supremacy, in an america where no race will be a majority in a couple decades, their days as heros are numbered anyways

  12. First, couple relatives of mine got COVID-19, were hospitalized but survived. As for the effect of subservient images of people of color, one of the stronger legal arguments in the court decisions ending school segregation was the research of a psychologist who found that black children had seen so many negative images of blacks in the media that they actually believed they were inferior. That tells us that images of stereotyped black people in roles that look to be one step removed from slavery do not improve the image of black people.

  13. Come up with a solution and write a proposal for a state, federal, business, or non-profit grant. I just had a six figure state and federal grant to rebuild our town's water system approved, we could never have afforded to do it ourselves.

  14. 50 minutes ago, RowdyRebel said:

    There's more to that story than just what you see in the video. It wasn't some racist cop kneeling on the neck of some random black guy. The officer worked (off duty) with him at a nightclub, and the two were known to not get along.

    That's a lousy defense, ups the charge to Homicide 1.

  15. 1 hour ago, tenfive0 said:

    You haven't been following the trends... In my old 'hood in Minneapolis crime is way down and people of color are rebuilding the neighborhood. They're wearing masks, social distancing, and the biggest bicycling club in town is black organized, though they welcome everyone. COVID-19 is under control, they had a huge Juneteenth celebration with music, dancing, food giveaways, with the local black motorcycle club and other minority social clubs providing security in the absence of the police who have largely been MIA.

    Utopia? What zip code is this in the hood?

    1 Killed 11 wounded in Minneapolis. I don't see a single person wearing a mask. The police are trying to help the injured and carrying off the wounded. It appears the police got out of Dodge and cleared the scene in 14 minutes with out killing any body. They aren't sticking around for the celebration longer then needed.


    That's the west end of 55408, pretty wealthy and predominately white.

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