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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by BillyT

  1. I have little knowledge of Chinese trucks, but I like the looks of that Cabover😁 little wonder they are the "workshop of the world" With virtually no environmental regulations and an exploited workforce who live on subsistence wages they will continue to be! We can't compete with their production costs, and as long as corporate greed controls the marketplace and probably always will, why would we try!

  2. KSB, my reference is an opinion (concerning the looks) which I am permitted to have,as are you! As far as driving I haven't driven one, but have spoken to many who have and they absolutely hated it primarily due to  The configuration of the shift lever being short and not positive! The automatic staircase,while innovative was obviously the work of an engineer who had never driven in the real world of tight spaces and parking.After many had been ripped off (at a cost of thousands) they went away and were never seen again! I'm sure the chassis performed as well as as the same chassis and components would with another cab on it! It was one of the first domestic Cabovers with the ultra modern "look" as Cabovers were going away in America, due to the inability of the truckload carriers to find "drivers"of the"I ain't drivin' no cabover" set. While I still prefer "old style" cabovers,there are a plethora of ultra modern cabovers mostly European, that I think are stunning in appearance and I would be proud to own!

  3. FxFymn, I agree change is gonna happen! But I don't have to like it! I do think every vehicle especially big trucks should have a rear camera! They aren't all that expensive considering the "cost" of a pedestrians life, or on a car the cost of a toddlers life! Anybody ever go on the website quorum? Hope I spelled that right!  A lot of people asking about trucking and automotive topics most of the questions are fairly intelligent, but some are so outrageous you gotta wonder who is around you on the road! How do you make a truck fly ?someone asked! I answered drive it thru the guardrail on Salt River Canyon Az! Lol

  4. KSB,something occurred to me,that monster who raped and killed the infant was a military medic and he lived in Clarksville Tn, that means he is probably 101st Airborne stationed at Ft Campbell ky!,a couple miles away! So he will be court martialed and probably get the death penalty! The military doesn't screw around like civilian courts! Plus if he is 101st Airborne which is a proud unit and he has just disgraced his comrades they will go extra hard on him! Plus if for some reason he doesn't get death,insanity maybe? Won't he serve his sentence in Ft Leavenworth Kansas? I think so! If it was me I'd rather be dead!

  5. 41, I remember that Ebonics bull...t from a couple years ago! Legitimate black educators went crazy! Those kids didn't even rise to that level! Read in today's Tampa paper one young teenage girl who led the cops on a high speed five county chase in a stolen car was embarrassed (not for being caught in a stolen car, because she didn't like the way her hair looked in her mug shot!)

  6. Are they gonna start making B model replicas in China? Lol! Phase 1,there are American "truckers" who can't drive a standard shift! Car or truck! My cousin used to haul coal in the late 70s when there were a few owner operators running B and R models with compounds and one of them told him that when the dad's were teaching their sons to split they sat in the passenger seat with their "tire thumper" and every time the kid started to use the clutch the old man would rap him on the knee! Quick way to learn! KSB is there a video of this? Are they actually driving it? Would be hilarious! ! "Like a fire in a Chinese laundry"

  7. KSB, as you know, I'm not normally at a loss for words, but this beggars contemplation! The solutions vary, but here are a few... put him in with the"general population", they love pedophiles! When his agonized screams die out in the morning if he is not dead 1 turn him over and light a Rosebud torch to a carbonizing flame and let him feel a portion of what beautiful infant felt! If the parents that raised this pos are alive make them pay all the expenses! Or if we can force our selves to be civilized, as you suggest let him be executed within 24 hrs!  In the state of Florida when a criminal(excuse me, suspect) is given the death penalty the effing appeals last an average of 15 yrs! All at taxpayer expense! When they admit to the crime without coercion, enact the penalty!

  8. "Macks in Nigeria, I saw the video of the lady dragging her kid out of the riot! Good for her!There have been several "public service messages" by the Pinellas county sheriff and others about locking your car,as the majority of cars stolen have been unlocked with the keys in them! Ok who leaves their car unlocked with the keys in it in today's world? However it doesn't address the root of the problem! Everyone on this site is either a working tradesman or women or retired from a lifetime of work,if any of us walked past an unlocked car with the keys in it would we be compelled to steal it? The majority of the car thefts by 14 and 15 year old mostly black youths occurred in the wee hrs of the morning as they "troll the neighborhood"looking for unlocked cars! Why weren't they home in bed?! Several of these young criminals were interviewed concerning why they were stealing cars? Boredom was mentioned by several as the root cause! What impressed (or depressed) me most was their level of grammatical errors was so unbelievable, that they were almost speaking a foreign language! Surely the result of skipping school so often! I really feel bad for the many responsible people of color who are raising their children properly and are stereotyped and compared to those who aren't! Saw an editorial by Charlie Ward,award winning quarterback at University of Florida and African American, a term I don't often use,who said that one of the best gifts you can give your children is a book! Amen! Every Christmas my mother gave me at least one book,and read to me as a little kid! I'll use the term African American again,in referring to retired Tampa Bay buccaneers Derrick Brooks who is extensively involved in many charities, including building homes for single mothers who are killing themselves trying to raise their children properly!



  9. KSB, having been retired for 9 years,I admit to being "out of the loop" concerning emissions and other regs! Do all new glider kits have the technology that that requires electronic logs, or is it dependant on the year of the engine being installed? I've been seeing older trucks in ads being promoted as being "pre emissions" trucks! Also are new glider kits required to include incompetence mitigation devices such as automatic emergency braking and lane drift technology or are these optional (like they presently are on automobiles?) Like most competent drivers I deplore having to pay for these! I predict these will soon be required due to legislation lobbied for by our friends in the insurance lobby! Sorry for getting "political" I couldn't help myself!😁

  10. While I object to "automatic emergency braking and lane drift technology" on cars and trucks which I consider incompetence mitigation that will eventually create dependence on vehicle systems and remove what little " defensive driving" that remains among motorists and tragically a small percentage of commercial drivers, I highly support any technology that gives the trucker greater visibility around his rig (especially the glaring blind spot behind the trailer!) How about a combination of the existing mirrors that all trucks have presently, and the cameras? Should hate to think of a camera only truck if the cameras failed! 

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  11. L Mack if you pull the volvo/mack out by those atrocious spot mirrors you would rip them off thereby improving the appearance of the truck😁 41, I saw an article recently which said only 3.6 percent of new drivers can operate a "manual" transmission!  Which helps to explain your dilemma! Every boy and most of the girls in my high school class could drive a stick! Our Drivers Ed car was a 62 Chevy with a 2 speed auto( from Yenko  Chevrolet) for you gearheads! And our instructor had us pull out on a hill while releasing the parking brake and pretending to let out an imaginary clutch! Since most big truck mechanics are required to have a CDL do they have a CDL limited to an automatic transmission? I dunno? Boy do I feel old😁! When we took drivers ed we were supposed to learn the basic mechanics of a cars operation! The instructor had me teach that part of the class!, like teaching advanced math to a stone! Lol

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  12. 41, I guess we should get rid of every possession we've worked for so we wouldn't tempt the pos thieves that their parents failed to instill a work ethic in, or failed to teach the difference between right and wrong! That argument is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! I suppose your grandson wasn't a minor, or the parents could have also have been at least been partially responsible for their crimes! The latest " crime wave" in Tampa Bay involves a rash of car thefts, several of which have resulted in high speed fatal crashes both to the thieves and innocent motorists! The thieves are mostly children as young as 14 who usually spend a couple days in "detention" only to be released to steal again!  Their parents ( usually single mothers) are not being held responsible for their children's actions! The cars being stolen normally have the keys in them!

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