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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by fxfymn

  1. Threaten to take up golf; explain what it will cost to join and keep a club membership, buy clubs, a cart and trailer, and remind her she will never see the money you spend on greens fees again. Then go buy the car since it is such a bargain.

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  2. In Kodiak AK they keep an open trailer at the fish processing plant to catch the remains of the processed fish that will be turned into fish meal. The trailer normally has a mesh net over it to keep the eagles out of it, but on at least one occasion the net was not used and several eagles ate themselves to death. And yes, the trailer and the plant have a rather distinctive odor.

  3. Quote

    I am pretty sure that the three Turbo Chiefs had the turbines removed after being proven to much of a PITA. Most especially when one that was on a hydrant one night set a building on fire with the exhaust. 

    We had one of the three and I rode on it after it had been re-powered. The turbos are quite an interesting story and our Company 9's spawned quite a few stories and legends. I don't know about setting a building on fire while operating, but the fire house where ours ran out of had to put a plate on the ceiling to keep the exhaust from burning it after it caught fire when the truck spooled up. The reason ours was re-powered was the pump governor kept failing and it was a huge expense to fly a tech out from Boeing to do the repair. 

    Unfortunately the truck went to somewhere in Central America as part of a foreign aid program we got involved in around 1980. The bell was saved and is still used as our ceremonial bell at memorial services and funerals.

  4. The Fire Museum of Maryland is basically supported by the personal fortune of the Heaver family. If or when the family loses interest in the museum it will fall to the wayside of history like so many other museums have. You would think with all of the "Tech wealth" in the Frisco area some one would step up to do the same for them.

    The University of Maryland is one of the few university's that has a Fire Protection Engineering program. That is quite a bit different than a fire science program. They also run the Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute which is responsible for providing training to all of the fire departments in Maryland. One of the ways they do that is by having a "Special Programs" section that contracts with various companies and government agencies around the world to provide fire service training. The revenues from that program go to support the in-state training efforts.

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  5. Pretty shameful, but not unusual. Very few municipalities seem willing to make the long term financial commitment to keep a fleet of antique apparatus stored and in good condition and most don't even try to do it. Charlotte, NC is one of the few that does, but the local media has been all over the CFD for keeping it on several occasions.

    I wonder if the ALF in the rear of the pic is the  "Turbo Chief".

  6. Quote

    looks like fuel tank is melted. the fire had diesel fuel at its disposal

    Tank on the left was probably empty, at least to the melt line, and that is why it melted; tank on right was probably full. 

    I'd count that as a save since the hood ornament didn't burn up.:rolleyes:

    Glad everyone is OK and it didn't spread.

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