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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by Gambi80

  1. Used to haul for a small paving company who's owner would sometimes bid on jobs without looking at a map. Got him in some hot water a time or two.

    The bankrupcy auction is in a couple weeks... What's a Deere 892 excavator in marginal condition worth..?

  2. Naw. I really doubt it. Prolly out makin a living like all good folks do.

    Ain't heard nothin from those other two characters neither in a while. Wonder where they're broke down at?


    Maybe broke, but not broke down. Been sittin in the shed lately, not much goin on. Not lookin too promising yet for this year.

  3. Submarine,hoagie,grinder? never understood that last one myself,its a new england thing...........down here in the south i noticed people are fond of asking "what model is it?".......in reference to my pick-up," C-10 "i respond,no no what MODEL? "C-10 half-ton" !!what they mean is what YEAR is it? i little confusing to me at first............Mark

    Next time, tell 'em "America's next top model".

  4. post-61-0-39697600-1299550367_thumb.jpg

    Couldn't find my pics so I borrowed this from largecar.mag site.He used a Dodge bed on the IH,he lengthened it a foot or so,looked really good.

    Gah! I saw that truck headed south...err...east on I-74 by the Quad Cities about a month ago. Couldn't grab my phone quick enough to take the picture. Sharp lookin unit!

  5. Cook County (Chicago) went 64.38% Quinn, 28.61% Brady

    St. Clair County (E. St. Louis) went 48.38% Quinn, 46.67% Brady

    Jackson County (SIU-Carbondale) went 45.20% Quinn, 44.19% Brady

    Alexander County (Cairo) went 49.78% Quinn, 45.32% Brady

    There are 98 other counties in Illinois....ALL of which tipped in Bill Brady's favor. In several counties, Brady won over 70% of the vote...some places nearing 80%.

    I'm in Union County, where the votes went Brady 55.26%, Quinn 36.24%

    If it weren't for Chicago, Quinn would have had his ass handed to him big time.

    If it weren't for Chicago, Illinois would be a MUCH different place. East St. Louis, well...we could just sawzall that off the state and float it down the Mississippi.

  6. I wish some of these employers would walk out into their parking lot and make a note of who has who's bumper stickers on their cars. You voted for Obama? Obama wants to increase my cost of operation? You are fired. Until you figure out that what is good for me (the employer) is good for you (the employee) because without me (the employer) you have no job, you won't have a job here.

    Bottom line, if your boss ain't making money as a direct result of the work you do, you won't have a job for very long.

    Carrier I'm leased to JUST opened a terminal in my neck of the woods...built it from the ground up...easily the NICEST shop in the company (complete with a pit for the under-truck work needing to be done). Then Pat Quinn won the election and raised personal & corporate income taxes. Now there is talk (rumors, anyway) of the new terminal closing.

    Actions have consequences...and so do votes. Unfortunately, people don't take their vote seriously enough...or they vote for all of the wrong reasons...and we end up with a bunch of knuckleheads in office trying to buy the votes of the ignorant masses (or as Neal Boortz refers to 'em "dumb masses" instead of abiding by the State & US Constitutions from which their power is granted to them.

    There were 2 (two) counties in IL that voted for Dr. Quinn medicine woman...one was Cook, the other was down your way. I hope it wasn't yours.

  7. Boy, that's an interesting twist proposing that an individual be held liable for requiring that a visitor to one's property be 'disarmed' while on said property and in the event that something happened that could have been prevented had said individual remained armed.

    Freaking lawyer driving truck I tell ya.

  8. http://www.lincolncourier.com/newsnow/x868510903/FOID-card-records-focus-of-dispute

    Long story short, Lisa Madigan-IL Atty General, feels that the names of people who have FOID cards should be public record. Much like a phone book for gun owners.

    Personally, I don't own a gun nor do I have a FOID card. But sooner or later down the road I might. At any rate, I thought this woman wasn't half bad until this. Most have her pegged for the next gov of IL. With her as governor and her father as senate president...can't wait to see what phucked up crap they come up with.

  9. It may sound racist and I don't mean it to be but a black man running for president brought out a large amount of black voters with no agenda other than to put a black man into the office.

    Like it or not, the facts support this.


    Couple that with the fact that pretty much no matter who, a democrat was going to win that election anyway. I have a feeling (I hope) that the dems are going to go the way of the legal latino U.S. citizen next time around, into the minority.

  10. I've made the attempt to find a safe place to pull over when I got lit up in the past, and it NEVER ONCE bought me any good will from the officer. So, these days, I pull over quickly when I see that they lit me up...and if that happens to be mid-curve just over a blind hill, so be it. I'm not concerned with officer safety anymore...that's THEIR job.

    Besides, if another motorist runs 'em over before they get the ticket written, it might just get me out of the ticket. :banana:

    Few years back, driving down a 2-lane road I looked down and saw that I was doing about 70+ and right as I did that a sheriff was going the other way, saw in the mirror his brake lights come on. Knowing I was had, I just pulled over and waited. Cop paid me a compliment for not having to chase me down, I said I knew I was in for it so I just saved him the trouble. Left with a verbal warning.

    But most times they're just dicks, spanish inquisition about what you're doing/where you're going.

  11. But there are still tons of other chemicals we derive from crude oil as well. Asphalt to pave roads,

    Somewhere locked away is the recipe for the perfect long lasting asphalt road. Doubt it'll ever see the light of day though. Roads last 10 years at best, so that keeps people working from the DOT maintainers down to the asphalt companies. But if they wanted to do something good, use concrete. In my small area alone, there are 3 cement plants...2 of which are shuttered and 1 in full operation. Made with American materials in America. Ethanol is not much more than a stopgap feel good thing. Something to bridge the gap, of which doesn't exist.

  12. Yup. Even made the news on the other side of the pond.... :pat:


    This is a more recent one....


    Some of the WORST driving I've seen in this state has been by those with badges & guns. :angry:

    I saw in my local paper that the guy who killed those 2 girls was denied workers compensation. Talk about absurd, demanding to be compensated for that b.s. They're all a joke and overpaid.

  13. Actually the Trooper was parked in the median with lights activated to warn drivers to slow down as they are approaching an accident scene! The Trooper was seriously injured when the inattentive truck driver came up on the slowed traffic and ran off the road and struck the Trooper. Use your frickin' head before you post!!! He has since recovered and contiunes to work and go home to his family each day.

    I stand by my statement. While I'm not trying to make light of someone getting hurt, nor do I endorse it...come to my area, they're rediculous.

  14. I saw diesel for $3.99 in PA this week, I am sure it is higher in New York and New England. Thank goodness for fuel surcharge, but I am not sure how much our economy can withstand.

    A rather humorous side note: One of my colleagues recently purchased a 2012 KW W900L and is rather disappointed so far with the cost of operation for this beast. (Go figure!!!) Last week this fellow told me he would be asking our company for a DEF (diesel exhaust fluid) surcharge! I replied, "good luck with that, let me know how that goes for you." In this day and age we are lucky to get the fuel surcharge.

    Why not? In the winter months due to excessive use, I bill for a windshield washer surcharge. Cover all yer bases.


  15. 'cept I had stopped at the store on the way home, so TECHNICALLY I was past the 14th hour....and so it really wouldn't have been good for me had the guy not left the scene.

    That's one of the problems I have with the current rules. Under the old HOS, I would have been perfectly legal. With what we've got now, I have to choose between wasting time driving all of the way home, getting in my pickup, driving all of the way BACK to town to go to the store that I just drove past on my way home in the big truck.....or stopping on my way through town and running out of hours before I leave the store.

    Anyone who thinks I'm going to shut down 15 miles from home and get a motel room for the night just because some arbitrary rule dreamed up by bureaucrats who have never seen the inside of a truck say I am "out of hours" is out of their flippin' mind. :angry:

    I don't know what a log book is.

  16. I had a car try cutting me off the other day....cost him his rear view mirror. B)

    I was in the left turn lane waiting in a line of traffic, easing up towards the intersection along with the cars ahead of me. This knucklehead must have thought he was better than everyone else and shouldn't have to wait in line like everyone else to make his left, so he tried muscling his little Ford Focus in line ahead of me. Only problem was, I couldn't see him because he was in the lane to my right (the go-straight-or-turn-right lane) and I had a big'ol hood blocking my view of him.

    Long story short, when the car ahead of me made their left, this little gray car whips in front of me and stops blocking BOTH lanes....his rear view mirror dangling by the wires. :blink:

    He gets out, wanting to exchange insurance information.

    I told him there ain't no way in f***ing hell I'm giving him my g** d**** insurance information because MY insurance ain't paying for HIS f***ing stupidity.

    He kept saying that "we should exchange insurance information" and I kept refusing, asking him what the F*** he was thinking driving his car into the side of my truck like that.

    "I needed to turn left"

    Well then you should have been in the left turn lane like every-f***ing-body else. Go straight and turn around to make a right...or go around the f***ing block....or wait patiently for someone to LET your dumb a** in....but DO NOT try to f***ing force your way in front of a g** d*** truck who can't see your tiny little piece of s*** car over the big-a** f***ing hood.

    Then he was back to "we should probably exchange insurance information".

    No way in f***ing hell am I giving you my g** d*** insurance information because my f***ing insurance ain't paying for that s***.

    Like a broken record, he asked again for my insurance.

    I told him if he wanted my insurance info, we'll get the cops out here. They'll write you a f***ing ticket for improper lane usage, and I'll be more than willing to give THEM my proof of insurance....but the ONLY way he was getting my f***ing insurance information would be through the police.

    "I don't think we need the police out here, but we should still exchange insurance information."


    I walked over to my truck and grabbed my cell phone. When I started thumbing through the contact list, he went to talk to his female passenger. About the time I found the Chief of Police's cell number (his mom used to live next door to me....I bought that house off him after she passed away) in my phone and hit the "call" button, the knucklehead in the car came back to say "She says she'll just pay for it."

    I guess it was her car he wrecked.

    Anyway, as the police chief's phone was ringing, the knucklehead got back in the car and drove away from the scene.

    I told the top cop what had happened...he asked if there was any damage to my truck.

    Not even a scuff.

    Don't worry about it then. B)

    Stupid people piss me off. :angry: Wouldda been great TV, though, 'cept for the fact that not much coming out of my mouth would have been able to be left unbleeped. :pat:

    Got my point across, though... :thumb:

    Gah! You should've scuffed your truck a bit, told the cop there was 'damage' and then gotten that douchebag a leaving the scene of an accident ticket!@!!! Think man think!!

  17. Sonofabitch. Couple weeks ago I ran over something and put a hole in one of my steer tires...can't patch 'em so I had to buy a new one and ended up buying 2 because I have a complex about mis-matched tires. Put two Dunlap steers on for about twice what your tire guy wants for those tires...dammit sonofabitch. Luckily this happened right down the road from a tire shop and not in the middle of nowhere cause if I had to road it home I'da had to stop every 5 minutes to air up the tire.

  18. if you ever need some help give me a call. i love crain mats, even if it is girls work. lol

    Ha ha. Girls work or not, I enjoy pullin a flatbed. If I ever did the OTR thing, it'd be flatbeddin.

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