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Everything posted by acprimus631C

  1. Around my parts (central CT) F&F Concrete used to run B-model tandem dumps and mixers, then when they went to Advance front-dischargers they got 2 Superliner tractors to haul in sand and gravel. I believe they caught fire one day and now they have 4 Granite triaxles that run a 85-90 mile round trip to get sand. Mastrobattisto, Manafort Brothers, Gerber Construction, H.I Stone & Son, Arborio, Empire Paving, Martin Laviero, and Mizzy Construction have been majority Mack fleets. Tomasso/Tilcon, Aiudi/Windham Materials, and Suzio have been going to the dark side. A.I. Savin and later Savin Brothers/Edward Balf/Capitol Pipe/Roger Sherman were all Mack before being one of the first to go to KW in the 70s. Arute Brothers, White Oak, DeFelice/F.P. Ryan, and D'Addario used to run massive Mack fleets when they were around.
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Hatcity, I promise to be cranky only half the time.
  3. Hi everyone! I'm Austin from Southington, CT. I work in property management (mostly apartments) and no CDL yet, so not quite a Mack owner or driver but been a lifelong truck and equipment guy all my 20 years. Always willing to learn more. Been a lurker on and off the last few weeks and wanted to be able to see more members only pics...glad to see all the old ones still alive. Hope to add more photos of my own eventually. I'm a member of several Facebook groups too so maybe I'll see some common members.
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