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Kansas farmer

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Posts posted by Kansas farmer

  1. Not sure how many members there are on bmt but if we all put up a set amount of money say 5000 each then just bought mack from volvo. We could take it back to its roots. Just a dream but it would be awsome.

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  2. It belongs to Dickson trucking out of stafford ks. The family also farms and they used to run black ch's with aluminum grain beds always shinny and clean. They bought the cl and did the work themselves I believe. Made it an axel forward and they used two hood to make one. As far as specifics I don't know I used to see the truck at my grandpas shop but I don't see it very often anymore.

  3. Do the lines surge or just the bed? May be there is air in the cylinder we have to bleed our every once in awhile because the bed goes up jerky. If the lines are jerking around I would say hose or suction. May even check the vent to be sure it's not plugged. As far as the lines go they car suck in on themselves and you might not be able to see it the best way is to feel for soft spots in the lines.

  4. We had an issue with our e7 400. Didn't seem to have power on hills like you say turned the pump up about 10% and still didn't think it pulled like it should. We checked fuel lines etc and checked fuel pressure which was a little low. There is a check valve in our pump that they said is supposed to hold the fuel pressure we took the plug and the spring out and put a small ball bearing behind it to compress the spring more and it seemed to help a lot. I'm sure some guys on here know more about it than me.

  5. We run an 18 sp with 442 gears and I have no problem pulling 85000 out of a field. Most of the oilfield trucks around here are 18s as far as gears go I'm not sure what everybody runs but they are both on and off road. I do agree that you need to be Johnny on the spot when shifting but once you get used to it no problem.

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