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Posts posted by RowdyRebel

  1. I've been enjoying my boy...most kids want to snuggle up with a stuffy, but not him. He wants his monster truck. If I'm out mowing, he wants to ride on the tractor with me...and if I'm using the push mower, he's right behind me with his bubble mower. He loves using his wrenches to "fix" his toy trucks, and when it's time to feed the dog, he takes his dump truck in to haul the dog's bowl over to the feed bin, he scoops out the food, and hauls the dog bowl back in the dump truck. And yes, not even 3 yet and he's already been behind the wheel of my trucks driving around the field out back. He does pretty good...definitely his father's son.

    This baby girl is like her mother...when she decides it's time to do something, it's got to be done NOW. I still can't believe how fast everything happened once the process started. My boy, her water broke at 6 am, mild contractions started hitting around noon, and gradually increased in frequency & strength until he popped out just before 3....about 9 hours total. If I had been on the road, she could've EASILY got herself to the hospital. This one was an hour and a half start-to-finish...and even if she had been in the car, engine running, ready to roll when it all started, she wouldn't have made it to the hospital before things got real. SO glad I was home...would've been bad news if I hadn't been.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Mack Technician said:

    I may however start carrying a realistic plastic pistol up front for Illinois. Something to scare the highway Covid hags away. Grab it, pretend to rack it, throw my head back and start laughing maniacally. 

    That's a great way to end up cuffed & stuffed. The fact that it's only a toy doesn't matter...you'll be charged the same as if it were real. You'd be better off just carrying the real one and not drawing undue attention to yourself.


    If you really wanted to mess with her, could've just leaned out the window & started coughing...but then you'd probably be charged with making a terrorist threat & end up at club gitmo.

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    • Haha 1
  3. Looking for something NOT completely stupid to put on the TV since it's 1,000,000 degrees outside with 1,000% humidity...found the original Thomas & Friends on the Roku channel...narrated by George Carlin. Hell, this is the $#!+ I used to watch as a kid...I can deal with this.

    Never realized George Carlin voiced a kiddy show. I was all of 5 in 1984 when this first aired.

  4. Pretty sure he was joking...he DID give me another 2 year card. Figure if he was serious about it he would've cut back on the time the card was good for in order to get me in again to take more of my money before I expire.

    Just thought it was an odd joke for a doctor to be making.


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  5. 1 hour ago, Maxidyne said:

    Flu mortality is about .1%, Current COVID-19 count is almost 3 million cases and almost 130 thousand dead, that's over 4% mortality: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html.

    Another Times article that puts the pandemic's mortality in perspective: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/10/world/coronavirus-history.html

    Now tell, as Paul Harvey used to say, the REST of the story!  The flu gets its .1% death rate by assuming the total number of cases, NOT actual lab-confirmed cases. The China Virus death rate is only including confirmed positive tests, as well as unconfirmed-but-presumed deaths. In other words, for the common flu they inflate the denominator. With the kung flu, they limit the denominator while inflating the numerator.  Lets see the death rates using the same standards. We won't, because it wouldn't fit the narrative that this is some super-deadly mega-threat to humanity.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Maxidyne said:

    No, while in his 60s he had the lungs of an 80 year old. While I was "extra board" driver I'd often get called in to cover his run when it was really cold out and the other drivers helped him load and unload. If we could help a vulnerable senior back then, why can't we now by wearing masks to protect them?

    Apple: A person with a specific serious health condition and taking the neccessary precautions around them to ensure they don't have issues with that known condition.

    Orange: Making general concessions to your liberties in order to MAYBE not pass on a disease you almost certainly don't have by wearing a ridiculous mask with questionable effectiveness.


    Then, when you look at the people who ARE wearing masks, few if any are actually wearing them properly...and they're the most likely to get mad if somebody else isn't wearing one. If it isn't covering both your nose and mouth, AND forming a good seal around your face (whether it's improperly sized, you happen to have a beard, or any other reason), it's ineffective. If you can't stop figiting with it, touching it (cross-contaminating it with anything/everything you've touched) it's doing you more harm than good...because we're told it ISN'T doing anything for the person wearing it. Get the virus onto your mask by touching it after you had your hands all over a contaminated surface and now you're breathing in the virus. Congrats. NOW you're infected! They've said the higher viral load you're exposed to, the more severe the disease hits you, so when all of the virus you would've expelled gets trapped in your mask to be sucked right back into your own lungs, guess who ends up having a severe form of the illness! Your incompetence caused your infection, and your need to virtue-signal turned what would've been a mild/asymptomatic case into a severe one.


  7. 48 minutes ago, Maxidyne said:

    Rowdy, 'bout 30 years ago I shared a truck with an old driver who wore a mask much of the time, IIRC he'd had damaged lungs and just about anything in the air could send him to the ER. Was a good deal for both of us as I was a nonsmoker and he kept the truck very clean so there was no dust to harm his damaged lungs. I didn't need a mask, but I would have gladly worn one around him if needed.

    Apples & oranges.

  8. The flu hit every year, killing a similar percentage of people. Do you wear a mask every flu season? Hell, just think how "healthy" we all could be if we all just lived inside sterile rooms, never venturing outside, doing all of our work from "home" over the internet with everyone scared of their own shadow thinking it "might" get them sick! After all, if you are never exposed to any germs, bacteria, or viruses, you'll never get sick! ...until one slips through. Then you're dead, because your immune system isn't up to the task at hand.


  9. 18 minutes ago, Joseph Moody Jr said:

    I have follow this discussion from day one and to me it will make a script for a TV shown. It got me thinking what the great people of this country did during WW 2. The government ask the people to give up so many things to help war effort. Gasoline, meat, and clothing were tightly rationed. Most families were allocated 3 US gallons per week. Production of most durable goods, like new housing, vacuum cleaners, and kitchen appliances, was banned until the war ended. There was so much this people did to help with war effort you can write a novel. So we are at war against a virus call Covid 19 and the government ask people to social distance and wear a mask around other people to help to stop the spread of this virus. But a lot of people complain why should we follow the  government ask. But those people 80 years ago did what was need to win the war. Rember there is no I in TEAM and we are all members of same TEAM a proud citizen of USA regards of race. religion belief, left wing. right wing. union member, non-union member, female, male . We are still proud citizen of this great country

    Big difference between conserving resources to have them available for use in an effort to defeat pure evil in this world vs wannabe tyrants ordering people to throw away their life's work & any ambitions they might have while they burn through their life's savings, unable to work for months on end because of a virus which the vast majority of people who get it won't even realize they had it, a smaller group will have mild symptoms, an even smaller group will have a severe reaction, and an extremely small fraction of a percentage will die. Notice how the media has shifted from their death count over to number of cases? First they got people all worked up over how "deadly" it was...small number of tests given only to the worst-of-the-worst cases, and not surprisingly, many of them died. HOLY SCHNIKES THIS THING IS A KILLER!!!!!! Now, tests are plentiful, and anyone who wants one can get one. They're finding a ton of "new" cases...but not much change in the death totals. The numerator hasn't changed much...but the denominator has risen significantly. So instead of 3/10 people dying, it's 3/1000...and suddenly the narrative is lost.


    Time Magazine actually explained all this 4 months ago: https://time.com/5798168/coronavirus-mortality-rate/


  10. 3 minutes ago, Maxidyne said:

    Sexing animals and even humans is a good example of the superiority of science over "common sense". The initial assignment in humans is made when the attending medical professional takes a quick look at the genitals and then fills in the birth certificate, and 99% of the time that suffices. It's the less than 1% of the assignments that aren't so simple and prove the superiority of science over "common sense".

    So does he have a pair of X chromosomes, or an XY? Dollars to donuts, he's XY (he has a son, which the ONLY way he could've fathered a male child is if he had a Y chromosome to pass down). SCIENCE tells us he's a male.

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