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Jeff M

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Posts posted by Jeff M

  1. 6 hours ago, Brocky said:

     An we had that blinker switch up on top of the left end of the dash. I remember it blinked high beams but cannot remember about the trailer lights???

    Push it forward and it flashed the lights on high beam.  Pull it back and it flashed the trailer lights if you were running with them on, or cut them off if you were running with them on.  They had that switch since at least the 60's and I always thought it was a great idea.  

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  2. 9 hours ago, navypoppop said:

     You had to learn to drive them like a COE by hugging the left center line in the highway or risk being on the shoulder or worse. 

    Correct.  I used to bounce back and forth between a DM and an R and there was always a short adjustment period.  All things being equal, I preferred the R but the offset cab had a look all its own...a good look.  

  3. I worked in a union shop for about eight years and there seem to be two problems.  (1) The union and management routinely lie to each other so when the chips are down and the company says they're folding (which they've undoubtedly said before) the union doesn't believe them until it's too late.  (2) Union reps are like politicians in that once they get their jobs, they like them and want to hold onto them.  The best way to do that is to tell the membership what they want to hear, not necessarily what they need to hear which the membership usually is quick to buy into.  The union line of "We first at any cost" has ultimately cost them the farm.  BTW, that's a VERY nice U model.  I wasn't aware that the U's had the option of the flatback or +3 cab.  

  4. Looks to me to be a 73 that may have an older hood and breather.  I believe the 6-speed wasn't available until '73 (I could be wrong) and of course it has the plus 3 cab, also not available until 73.  The Bostrom Levelair II was quite the seat in its day.  It rode like a marshmallow until you bottomed out and then the shock would kick in.  You pressed the little pedal on the front of it to kick the shock back out.  That truck looks pretty rough to me, but it's clear that you like it, so why not?

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