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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by PeterMack

  1. A friend of mine worked at a company that had these, and the company encouraged drivers to tattle on the other drivers who did not have them deployed

    going down the road. The only problem was that guys were forgetting they were out and would back into a spot at the truck stop, back to back with another

    truck for example and crush them on the other truck. My friend figured if they were saving anything on fuel with these things they lost it all in repairs replacing

    them constantly.

  2. You can try Macholl metals in Garden Prairie. Cross over the tracks on Garden Prairie RD and he is on the left. Can make half or full

    fenders with brackets. He has smooth or diamond plate. I have a set of smooth ones for my Pete, they are easier to polish. Harmony

    metal in Gilberts might still make them and I think Nagel in Batavia might also, not %100 on that though. RG Smith used to make

    them but they are out of business now. I think Heil on 47th st in McCook might still make them also.

  3. I agree with much of this article, but I will say that most of this driver shortage problem is brought on by the industry itself. Who wants to live like a

    nomad for little pay when, like the article says you can sit on your ass at home for just a little less. Life on the road is expensive and driver pay does

    not reflect in my opinion. Seems like the industry solution has been to hire foreigners and any dummy that they can run through a three week training

    course and hold a steering wheel. There is nothing special about trucking anymore. The kids nowadays have no idea about trucks or manual labor

    for that matter. I'm 35 and been driving for 15 years now and been around it all my life and for the past 15 years I've been the youngest guy wherever

    I've worked. Kinda sad, hardly anybody is coming up behind me, but on the other hand why would they. I love trucks, but trucking sucks! I came across

    a great article about why the younger generation is not getting into trucking in Overdrive. Here is the link. I think the guy is spot on.


    • Like 2
  4. Just watch out for that purple and white Pete out there. I think he just graduated from driving school, lol

    By the way, BJ showed my pics of your trailer. Looks really good.

    Been running with BJ all week. Hauling dirt with him and a few others tomorrow. Thanks on the trailer, took about 45 hours to get that done.

    Went way better than expected, but now I'm pulling the steel dump so the aluminum is just sitting there looking pretty at the moment. That

    red R at Rockford Mack used to belong to Herron topsoil. We used to haul pulverized dirt for them before they closed up. If you know or see

    Jimmy Burke that works with us he has Herron's old Pete.

    • Like 1
  5. I was talking to one of my cousins today and he was telling me about a poster that his brother was in and I was wondering if anyone on here has seen it before. He can't remember much about it and his brother passed away in '93 so we can't get any info from him. I guess it was done for the Chicago Bears in '86 after they won the Super Bowl. He remembers that they wanted a Mack truck so they contacted his brother, but for some reason it was hooked to a tank and they never pulled tank for work. Just Van trailers. all he remembers about the poster was it was taken in a dark ally and it had the Bears logo on it. He has no idea what the promotion was for.

    if anyone knows what this poster was I would love any info on it.

    I have never seen anything like that. I looked around on the interweb machine and found one poster of Jim McMahon that said Mad Mac on it.

    If you look to his right and straight back it appears to be an R-model but I can't tell for sure. The story might check out though. I'm thinking they

    were going for a play on the "Mad Max, Road Warrior" theme and that would make sense as to why they wanted the Mack to be pulling a tanker

    so it mimicked the movie. Maybe this is how the poster turned out after it was all said and done. I'm sure its all photo shopped anyway, I doubt

    there was a small bear walking by McMahon's feet. It's probably 10 pictures smashed into one poster. Maybe I'm wrong and there is another one

    out there. I bet the actual pictures are out there in the world somewhere.


    • Like 2
  6. That would be Stan Leman. He has Gravy train, an R6xx, 2 superliners(one I just posted a video of) and the CH E9. All very, very nice trucks.

    Stan has not been real active in our chapter the last year or so(I haven't either for that matter).

    Here is the V8 Super:

    His blue daily driver is sticking out the left side of the picture.

    He had the Superliners at the ATHS show in South Bend a couple years ago. I took pictures of them. Beautiful trucks.

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