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paul roncetti

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by paul roncetti

  1. Hi Superdog and farmer, Yes it was posted quite some time ago, not sure if still available but the cab is in very rough shape inside and there is a Cummins engine in it. Forgot the details but it was way down in TX and the shipping was killing the deal for me, wasn't sure if you could deck it or have to be brought up on a low bed...........Paul

  2. Hello MikeD, They actually are not in bad shape, just a lot of little things and sheet metal and body work before getting painted. New tires and rims will make a very big difference too. I just lack the time and trying to get the work done by other people which entails having them moved from one place to another on a low bed trailer...............Paul

  3. Hi Vinny, LOL are you kidding, I can't imagine that piece of shit for $17,000.00, owner must have a screw loose, where would you start? I have a big work backlog as it is, missing every delivery, and haven't done a damm thing to my B81's, other than start to stock piling spare parts...................and Tommy, I take it that I was right and you like that yellow B61?.....Paul

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