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Comments On Volvo And Others



Some of the people on this forum say "Volvo Sucks".

No they don't. Indeed they build really good vehicles.

Volvo, like so many other foreign manufacturers, are

simply responding to market conditions that allow them to

buy our businesses, build and sell their products in our country,

and to profit from doing so. And then take our money away.

If we simply continue to do the "same old, same old", we will

continue to get the exact same results.

What's the definition of insanity?

Something about doing the same thing over and over - and expecting

different results.

If we don't stop the madness, then the madness will continue.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out.

Everybody can do their part - no matter how small.

For instance - stop supporting Mobil, Sunoco, BP and other oil companies

who buy overseas oil.

Instead - Use Quik-Fill or companies that use US petroleum only.

Not sure? Ask them. The good guys are quick to tell you they only buy American oil.

Stop buying cheap Chinese junk from Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Lowes, and hundreds

of others. Check it out before you buy, and buy only US products, whenever possible. It's simple.

Just think before you get out your wallet. You might not even buy anything, if you stop and think.

If enough people do it, the problem will solve itself.

There's nothing wrong with Volvo, Toyota, Honda, or any others. Indeed most of the

products are darn good. And, they are playing by the rules that we put in place.

You want change - so Change. Stop complaining and just Change.

I personally am buying only local groceries. And buying only US made clothes and shoes, if possible.

And only US made vehicles by American manufacturers. And US gasoline whenever possible.

My observations are that the groceries are better - a lot better, and a little more money.

The clothes are definitely more expensive, but generally better made, and better warranted.

They last longer, so I don't buy as much.

As for the vehicles - well two out of three isn't bad. Our big three manufacturers are being way overcharged

for labor, and are far too interested in their shareholders, rather than quality, to really produce a good

vehicle. But I still support them. I think we have to in order to survive as a country as we know it.

How many people know that the US government borrowed the money for your latest Economic Stimulus check

from the Chinese government?

Shocked? It's 100% true. Hundreds of millions of dollars up in smoke.

We just sit back and let it happen.

Then we complain.

I sound like a broken record - but,

Wake up America. Wake up while there's still time.


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yep, I knew that. And the national debt is in the trillions of dollars already. That's trillions,with a "T". Everybody wants something for nothing,wants the gummint to provide everything for them,not even thinking,or not caring that SOMEBODY's got to pay for all the gov't. handouts-namely US,the taxpayers. I get fuel at Kwik-Fill in Northeast,Pa. every time I go to Orchard Park. Sometimes I get two sloppy joes too.

J.F.K. was a democrat and he said "ask not what your country can do for you,but what you can do for your country..." Somewhere along the line things took a 180 degree turn-now the democrat party nominee just promises everybody the moon at government expense,and i'm sure the biggest tax increase in the history of the world will soon follow.

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Sometimes we forget that we actually can do something about "the

way things are". We don't have to take it all the time.

And it's really easier than anybody thinks.

One of the founding premises of the Declaration of Independence

was that we have the right, and indeed, the duty to change any government

that becomes oppressive or overbearing.

It gets harder to do when the majority of people seemingly don't care.

But at least we can take some satisfaction in knowing that there are some of us

who are willing to do something to solve the overlying problem.

That Sloppy Joe part of it sounds pretty good too.

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Sometimes we forget that we actually can do something about "the

way things are". We don't have to take it all the time.

And it's really easier than anybody thinks.

One of the founding premises of the Declaration of Independence

was that we have the right, and indeed, the duty to change any government

that becomes oppressive or overbearing.

It gets harder to do when the majority of people seemingly don't care.

But at least we can take some satisfaction in knowing that there are some of us

who are willing to do something to solve the overlying problem.

That Sloppy Joe part of it sounds pretty good too.

you pretty much hit the nail on the head when you said most people don't seem to care. And those sloppy joes are pretty tasty.

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