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Last Of The Turkey

other dog


Since I had pictures of the whole turkey smoking process,I might as well show how it ended-with all the meat that was left pulled from it,placed in a pot with potatoes,onions,celery seed,and some thickening (flour and water),little salt and pepper...it's what Mama used to call turkey hash,and it's better than the turkey was! There's one of them sweet potato pies there too.


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I've never heard of turkey hash before. Sounds pretty good though. I think I'll pass on just the plain turkey with all the fixings for awhile though.

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Man, I'm sick of turkey! We had the last of ours last night as Turkey Casarole! Oh, wait...I have leftovers of that for lunch today! :(

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I like turkey.

Matter of fact, I am cooking one Friday for dinner with some friends who were sick over Thanksgiving.

Barry - you can come too if you want!

Paul VS

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