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rd frame rail replace or repair???

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e7 jake brake

I run a 96 rd log truck 350 e7 with jacobson engine brake, I hav never had a mechanical mack with jakes. we have 8 macks in our fleet and the only 2 that have jakes are the cl with cummins isx (junk engine) and the 04 granite with e7 427, the granite works awesome even with 800k on original engine, whats up with the mechanical e7 jakes?? useless!!!!! my question is, can u put jakes from an etech e7 on an older mechanical e7, if so is there any mods or has enyone done it. I haul over 90 k evry



rd frame rail repair or replace

have a 96 rd log truck with loader on back end of frame , frame is shot around the trunion and spreadind along its whole length, my question is should i bite the bullet and re frame it or i had an idea that we have done in the past for fish plating, we use 3/4 inch t1 steel plare and plate the area around the trunion, but what if i had a peice cut 24 feet long and had a friend cut all the necessary holes with laser and plate both sides of the truck from cab back??? will it be to stiff? whats t



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