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Ohio State Trooper Heroism Saves Truck Driver


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August 20, 2015

An Ohio State Trooper is being hailed as a hero, for saving the life of a trucker who crashed off a freeway embankment in April.

Trooper Eric Devers received a commendation last week for performing CPR on the crash victim.

John Depue was driving a semi when he lost control of the rig and smashed through a guardrail. His truck then rolled down a steep embankment. The dashboard camera on Devers' cruiser recorded the officer scrambling down the embankment towards the injured trucker.

When he got there Devers found Depue barely conscious and taking short, shallow breaths. The driver's condition deteriorated further and he passed out and stopped breathing.

Another driver stopped to help Devers and the trooper can be heard asking the Good Samaritan to assist as he frantically performed CPR.

"Come on, keep breathing," Devers can be heard to say over and over again to the driver. "Don't you die. Don't you die on me! Come on. Come on!" He counts out chest compressions and keeps yelling at Depue to open his eyes. Twelve minutes late emergency responders arrive on the scene and stabilize Depue. he was transported to Wilson Memorial Hospital in Sidney, OH.

"In speaking with the family, medical personnel and witnesses at the scene, it is apparent the quick actions of Trooper Devers helped save the driver's life," the Ohio State Highway Patrol said about the incident.

Depue was taken to the hospital and made a full recovery.

Devers received a Certificate of Recognition for his actions.


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