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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by DailyDiesel

  1. 1 minute ago, kscarbel2 said:

    I had to reconsider my position on this, as it was another time and place with differing attitudes. This happened when a good woman feared telling her parents. Some parents cared more about burying it, lest neighbors, relatives and friends learn of it, to their embarrassment, than they did the daughter’s mental trauma of being raped, and heaven forbid impregnated. Am I wrong?

    You are not wrong. Sadly our elected officials felt the best way to handle the issue was to make this woman testify and relieve those events before the entire world. Why the rush? Why this candidate? Is he really the best pick? I doubt it. Simply put he has been groomed by the establishment under Ken Starr, George Bush, and now Trump to be the lastest pawn that will tow the party line.

    Despite the screams of the Republicans that Democrats are playing games (which they are) let us not forget the little stunt they pulled with Merrick Garland. They simply refused to hold any hearings to begin the nomination process. Now that they are receiving a taste of their own medicine and they don't like it one bit.

    The system is far past broken.

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  2. 22 hours ago, Keith Pommerening said:

    You presented this much more eloquent than I, thanks.  Offering different service to different customers also is outlawed by monopoly laws already written in the law books.  Trump did us a favor correcting this one.  The real purpose of Obummer's law was to regulate the number of conservative leaning sites and boost the liberal ones to make neutrality in the eyes of liberal goverment administrators.

    41Chevy copied that from FoxNews which is just as biased as CNN. BUT, if that fits your wold view than so be it.


    But anway, the exact situation you fear can now occur but at the hands of your ISP. If they happen to lean left or right they can in turn limit your access to certain media.

    I guess we'll find out if this really is the end of the world as we know it. :lol:

  3. 1 hour ago, Keith Pommerening said:

    The first thing one notices is that the video is a product of CNN.  They are no longer a trusted source of information.  As I understand the growth and freedom of the net is because the govenment has not controled it.  Want the goverment to decide what you see?

    So instead you'll allow corporate America to manage it?

    Please realize the internet we have today was built around the premise of net neutrality. Under the guise of "reducing government" regulations we have essentially allowed more regulations to come into effect....except they would come from telecom monopolies of which you have little to zero control over.

    Don't forget, the current FCC chair once worked Verizon and used to lobby against net neutrality on their behalf. This whole deal stinks to high heaven.

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  4. HeavyGunner your assessment on the matter is correct. Without net neutrality telecoms like Verizon or AT&T can limit where and how you go on the web. For instance, Verizon owns Yahoo. If you have internet or mobile service through Verizon they could in theory block you from accessing any Google products as Google is a major competitor to Yahoo.

    Or maybe they don't block you but charge you more for certain parts of the web. Splitting the internet into packages similar for cable. Just 19.99 for email! LIke facebook? Add that package for 9.99 more! Nextflix? Just another 10.99 extra a month. General web browsing? Only 29.99! It will be like cable all over again.

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