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Posts posted by xdudebrahx


    31 minutes ago, blackdog2 said:

    Put air1/8" toggle on line between parking brake valve and anaroy on manifold mount inside ash tray they are getting smarter just in case you get the urge to turn it on if the man says boy you tinker with that .

    That's what I'm working towards, but the line I thought was the correct one has no effect on how the truck runs.  I'm just trying to test it out before I build a switch for it.

  2. Came across Lmackattack's write up on putting the puff limiter on a switch in cab.  Before I did anything like that, I messed around with vise grips on what I thought was the correct line to see if it worked.  I put a piece of rubber around the line before I clamped the vise grips down so I didn't damage anything.  Got in the cab and took the parking brake off and mashed the throttle.  No change.  Long story short, it's like that for every one of the 3 lines coming off the valve.

    What'd I do wrong here?


    Yes the truck has a working pyrometer.

  3. Any of you guys within spitting distance of Trans Edge Mack in Allentown PA need to call Randy Z. Second shift parts man for your older Mack parts. He has been extremely helpful to me over the years.The guy is like an encyclopedia... Has access to a lot of discontinued parts, and knows what will interchange also.

    Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

    A buddy of mine just got out of the military and got a job doing service there.

    As for parts guys having stories about stupid customers, I can only think of two instances that were bothersome. One was an old farmer with a fat lip of chew in and as he talked, pieces of it were flying out and landing on the paper I was writing on. That was kinda gross. The second was when a lawn care place would send in some of their Spanish only laborers with a list of parts. They couldn't even explain anything about the vehicle they were for, they'd just hand me a poorly written piece of paper and I'd have to figure it all out on my own. Other than that I was more than happy to help people out of a bind with whatever they needed.

    Of course it was always a bonus when a real hot girl needed help installing wipers or a brake light bulb. I was first to volunteer :)

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  4. Xdude, you were the kind of person I tried to get at the parts stores.

    I can remember one time I was putting my '60 Chevy pick up together. It's a street rod so everything was custom or from another vehicle. I was having trouble finding a u-joint that would fit. The yoke on the rearend was a different size than the driveshaft.

    The guy at the Big A looked at my dilemma and went, "HHHMMM. I think I know what you need. " He went into the back for a few minutes and came out with one for a four wheel drive (mine isn't ). It fit perfectly and worked.

    Some of those knowledgeable people are still out there.

    I had that problem with my own pickup (97 F350). The ujoint listed in the computer was too small. I dug around in the back with my old joint until I found the right one. I made a note of it so that when anyone needed a joint for a similar truck, I went right to my note and gave them the proper one.

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  5. I worked at a Napa for about 3 years. Did my damndest to not be a "parts monkey". Learned from one of the old timers how to use the catalog system instead of relying on the computer. I'm a bit of a gearhead so I knew what parts were 2wd/4wd/motor specific as well.

    Spent many hours helping guys measure belts for odd applications and pulling filters off the shelf to find something that fit heavy equipment.

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