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Posts posted by Pawel

  1. Ain't that a bit like in 1975, when the North invaded and took over Saigon, and nobody did anything about it? Gerald Ford was president then. Then again, how long can you prop a government (Vietnamese or Iraqi) that can't seem to get popular support or stand up for themselves? And what for?

    It's always a pity to see people die in wars...


  2. Bob - but we're talking about many different organizations with different goals here. We've got companies who say - let's move the jobs to Bangladesh, make truckloads of money and don't worry about tomorrow. And we have politicians who say - though it's a pity about the taxes, we've got that nice gentleman, who moved the jobs to Bangladesh and financed our campaign - let's not talk bad about him, next election is comin' and we need more money for the campaign. And who's caring for the country and the hard working people? I guess they're up to themselves on this one.

    By the way - we had a joke in Poland, at the time of changing the system. It went: How many people it took to install a light bulb before 1989? Five: One was standing on a table, holding the bulb, and four others were turning the table. How many people does it take after 1989 to install a light bulb? None: Free market does that for them!

    Have a nice day


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  3. Tell you what, I lived in a socialist country for ten first years of my life. That seemed to suck really bad - you couldn't buy nothing, even toilet paper without standing in a looong line. For example getting some paint was so hard, that when you got any, you wasn't picky about the colour, you just bought what was there!

    So the people got angry, and the time was right, and Poland - as the first country in the communist block started to take it apart. Now only single countries are left from a system that once reached over half of the world!

    And since 1989 we have democracy and free market! Whoa - now you can buy anything you want. You just have to have money - kinda hard if you don't have a job.

    I'm lucky as hell - I got a job as an electronics engineer - exactly what I learned to do. But I belong to a small minority on that!

    Now Poland is more capitalistic and pro-free-market than countries like Germany or even UK. For all the years after WWII the USA had been a role model for most of the Polish people, but now the trend is slowly stopping. I had a chance to compare Germany to Poland, and I can tell you I like the German approach better - where people care for each other, and don't just go dog-eat-dog, like sometimes happens in Poland, and from I heard, also on these forums, also happens a lot in the USA. Of course a country that puts some kind of pressure to share with others tends to be a PITA - but there's the pressure on citizens to fight for the liberty - that's what we have the democracy for.

    One job for the goverment to do is keep the big corporations in check. If it doesn't, who is to keep them from shifting the production to a country where you can employ underpaid children to work seven days a week and make everything dirt cheap for you to import? Like Bob wrote - in the nineties they (the companies) destroyed a lot of nice well paid jobs in USA and Europe, and created ten times more slave-like jobs in third world countries. What happens now is companies, especially banks, got so big, that they can make governments work for them and pass laws that can increase their profits, instead of protecting the people and maling sure everyone is getting an equal chance in life.

    So that's how I see it - I don't mean to offend anybody, nor criticize any country. Just trying to understand how the system works and if there's anything to be done about it. And maybe give you another point of view, if you like, of course.

    As for the choppers - I researched it a little bit and I can tell you that comparing the newest Sikorsky Blackhawk with a Mi-17 would be like comparing a Granite to an R model (or better a KamAZ truck, because it's Russian, but you probably don't know them babies). Like you don't need a computer to service the Mi-17, just a set of wrenches.

    That's a good questions - why buy them anything? But that's asking for trouble, because the next question would be - why pay trillions for a war in a country nobody even heard about? Since that money is already spent, I guess you would like to keep whatever progress there is and protect the investment?

    Sorry for the lengthy post - like I said I hope there's no offence taken, because I didn't mean any. Thanks for reading and have a nice day


  4. But hey - whose fault is it that helicopters built in America are expensive, and you need a degree to fix them? I read you guys telling American companies cannot build simple and reliable trucks and you wonder somebody want to buy simple and reliable choppers?

    Dang, in the socialist times you blamed the first secretary when the industry didn't make enough of this or that, or if the meat prices were too high. Some first secretary even ordered the soviet industry to design and build the Mi-17 chopper!

    Do you want a free market or not?

    Best greetings


  5. Hello everybody! Thanks for your comments!

    Timothy - thanks for your kind words! I'm glad you noticed those IFTA stickers - I wanted my truck to be marked right!

    Rick - I appreciate it a lot, especially from a fellow modeller!

    Freighttrain - thanks a lot for the holder photo! It's a grat help. Now I'll try to reproduce something like that in scale. Would it be thinkable to put something like that on the base of the pogo stick?

    mack mhe9 & 84superdog - thanks a lot for the discussion on the electric cord - great info here! If I need to change it, I'll put a black wire here.

    feticello122 - thanks a lot! I hope you post your pictures on the forum here soon, would love to see 'em!

    Thanks again and have a nice day!


  6. Hello!

    How about this one for starters:


    Even if it doesn't show the first relay, we can go on from here by the numbers. I'm also familiar with the european wire gauges, but look up "AWG wire gauges" to see for what current they are rated. Now the connection from 1 (battery) to 4 (the final relay on the bendix) should be the fattest copper you can practically put in there. From 1 to 2 (Ignition and starter switch - they are shown here as one switch, but will be separate for your aplication) doesn't have to be very thick, but make it solid, for reliability. The copper inside has to be about 1mm in diameter or more. Let's hope others provide more data, hope it helps and good luck with your installation


  7. Hello!

    For little two-stroke gasoline engines, that powered small cars and bikes, we always used a 50/50 mix of gasoline and oil called Mixol. But Last year in winter my mechanic tried to tell me I should add a little Mixol to the diesel fuel my van burns, in order for the injectors to work smoother. I even did it for a short time, then stopped, as I didn't notice any difference. Wouldn't want to try it on an engine with some more electronic or a supercharger, though. Have a nice day


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