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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by keg1

  1. I think that oversize was broke down in the middle of Franklin on Thursday. I came down the hill into town and it was sitting there with no tractor. After I got unloaded and came back up through town they were just going around the turn at 15th st. I saw it at the rest area Friday.

  2. Have been laid up with back problems but was able to look at it Thursday night. Jacked up trailer and released brakes and they didn't release completely. Set the brakes then released again hit foot valve and still slow to release. Did it a couple more times and then they worked fine. Ran it Friday and they worked ok. I wouldn't think a valve would have had dirt or something in it because I ran it about 3 days with them dragging when I would stop. I guess i'll worry about it if they start acting up again.

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