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Branden Carter

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  1. Hey, friend! It seems like you're having some issues with your brakes. Replacing the master cylinders can be difficult to do, especially after draining them. Because it is a change year model, parts can be difficult to match at times. I haven't dealt with that particular issue myself, but I do know a couple tricks that might be useful. First and foremost, make sure you have a reliable brake bleeding kit accessible. That can make a huge difference. And take your time bleeding the system, beginning at the farthest spot and working your way up. In terms of information, it can be difficult to find what you're looking for online at times. Consider contacting a local mechanic or someone who has worked on comparable projects. I hope it will help a bit.
  2. Hi there! Although I haven't worked alot on those particular brakes, only once or twice, I think changing the master cylinders is a good idea. Try gravity bleeding first, then manual bleeding with assistance if necessary. If required, pressure bleeding can aso be a possibility in your heavy equipment for sale. Even if the model is unusual, it's amazing that you were able to find the necessary pieces. Good luck, and don't hesitate to seek for assistance if you need it. I hope you get the answer to your query.
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