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Bruce B.

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Status Updates posted by Bruce B.

  1. I have a treadle valve leaking air. 3 years ago I changed the original treadle valve out. And ran the truck for 2 summers.  The new one started losing air thru the bottom. I changed this one out also because the reservoir holding the air brake anti-freeze & rust guard was empty.  Thinking the valve got contaminants in it. But this 3rd valve is leaking air also. I changed out both check valves that did not help. This is a 1978 U600 single axil dump truck. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. doubleclutchinweasel


      Have you made any headway, Bruce?

    3. Bruce B.

      Bruce B.

      Oil in the air system? I know my wet tank exhausts air/oil each time I drain the wet tank. As far as the primary and secondary air tanks i have never seen oil exhaust there when draining. Can I connect a psi gauge on both primary and secondary air tanks? Will 1 show 120 psi and the problem supply tank show 60 psi? Or is all air connected @the treadle valve?

    4. doubleclutchinweasel


      Not sure if your unit has a single system or a dual system.  Older ones had a single air system.  Air went from the wet tank to the dry tank and then to a single point on the treadle valve.  Newer stuff had a dual system.  Air was split into 2 separate systems so that, if one system failed, the other would still operate.  I think those used a different treadle valve setup.  I think those were split front/rear.  Those dual systems were a little after most of what I had experience with.

      There shouldn't be a difference in air pressure between the wet and dry tanks.

      Here is a Bendix chart showing a typical dual system.  I can hook you up with their troubleshooting guide (see link).

      Air Brake Troublshooting.pdf



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