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Posts posted by Angelo

  1. Got the old girl running again. Used a block diode rectifier in place of original. Charging at 14v and ran for 3 hours with lights and sirens for Christmas parade and she ran great. Thanks to everyone’s  help helping me work thru the issues 



  2. Definitely added larger tank which is very common for rigs from my area when they go north or south. We are a complete hydrant district. I’ll get some info for you to answer some of your questions 

  3. Replaced rectifier with diode rectifier  Alternator was cleaned up and checks good, voltage regulator good, grounds good and ran a few new ones while I was up in there, still charging at 18 volts 🤦‍♂️ 

  4. Rectifier is gone. Also confirmed with Vineland electric in jersey. I had a feeling it was. Can’t thank you guys enough again. I take every you say into account and will use in future as well

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  5. Leaving original alternator is there anything that can go in rectifiers place. That things is way outdated and dangerous. I have seen a few rigs replace with what I was talking about a 3 phase  block rectifier that seems to work. Even if temporally till I can save some money to make better upgrades 

  6. I definitely smelled rotten eggs when she started to die on me. Felt battery and it was warm but I don’t believe the smell was coming from that. Does the rectifier give off that kinda smell as well 

  7. I appreciate your input very much. Changing a motor is nothing to me. Some wires and I’m lost. Took me a while just to understand positive ground because everything I’ve ever learned was opposite. I’m eager to learn and care for these rigs for the future

  8. Thank you for response. I have braided ground straps from frame to motor. And frame to body. And they are in really good shape. I used dremel tool with wire brush and cleaned all terminals on alternator, regulator, battery and ground connections. Replaced field ground between alternator and rectifier, replaced field wire between alternator and voltage regulator. When I turn ignition on you can hear voltage regulator click. Starts right up then voltage climbs to 17-18 volts within a few seconds.

  9. I’m trying my best to learn and figure this out. I’m asking so I can learn. I’m not just guessing, I’m asking from people who have way more experience than me. I’m doing this work alone in my back yard and don’t have endless money on hand to hire people. I appreciate the help everyone has gave so far 

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