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Posts posted by Patdbossct

  1. wouldn't we all.... been out of production for many years. id kill for a pair of the red white and blue bicentennial flaps. if we only knew back then... I have one pair of the 5 color ones stashed away for the right truck. couldn't bring myself to cut them down to put on my stainless fenders

    Any Pics of those flaps?

  2. Where can I find a list if all Mack models over the years and what the Model number means, I am new to Mack line-up so would be interesting.

    Trucksplanet.com has all the Mack models and years produced, great reference source. But here is the list they have;

    Concept vehicles
    Military vehicles
    Offroad vehicles
    Special vehicles
    Unknown vehicles
    Vehicles from movies
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  3. Is that the truck owned by the factory to haul the wood cab pieces in??? Think it was at ATHS Syracuse 2003?

    Yes that is what they told me at the auction. I even met the son of the driver who has some of the original pics of it. He said he will get me copies of how it originally looked. He said it was originally red with detailed pin-striping even on the wheels. Once he gets me copies of the photo I will post on here.

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  4. glad to know that nothin went for scrap. scrappers were in full force.even the B75 got saved??? some punk kid showed up twards the end who was a 'salvager' he was pissed that all the trucks were already auctioned off.....who got the 237 injection pumps? anyone know?

    I dont know who got the injection pumps but they were a steal. I heard that same punk when he showed up bitching that the auction started early. Ummm It started 5 min late actually. He just showed up an hour late lol.

  5. went to the auction today. lots of parts, lots went reasonably to. the cream of the crop was the red and yellow AC. I didn't get a pic but it was in the flyer, it was not restored but was painted many years ago. it went for $19500. the same guy also bought the Blue 361 Brockway, I think it had a 671 in it, it was a 361. was fixable. cant remember what it went for. he also bought a 1918 or so chain drive Brockway that was restored a while ago. it went for $13500. the 358 Brock I think might have went to scrappers, I didn't get to see it get auctioned. the B75T bucket truck was rough. cab was shot along with all the sheetmetal. it went for $1000 and I wanna say it went to a good home but I think the scrappers got it. the Sterling Mixer I think they kept. the gray FT chaindrive went for $19000. the one Ab went for $1500 with no engine or trans. the other one went for $4500. A brand new DM cab with doors and wiring harness brought $3500. there was a whole pallet full of Garrett and Schwitzer turbos that went reasonable, $500 or so a box . 6 rebuilt injection pumps in the wooden boxes for 237/300's went for around $500 a piece. I was outbid on that one haha.

    The Red and Yellow AC did sell for $19,500 to Cherry Hill Const in Ct, so he saved that from scrappers. I bought the 1919 Brockway for $13,500 and the FT for $19,000 and both ABs, one for $4,500 the other for $800, and the 3rd mack dump body for $500. The Ak went for $3700, not sure to who but I thought Lyons said it was going to CT as well. Not sure what the AC with the modified BX front went for or to who, but i think all the trucks were saved from scrappers.

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