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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Posts posted by grayhair

  1. Reminds me of the time back in the 70's I was pumping gas at a full service Mobil service station just off the throughway in Buffalo, NY. Late at night a woman pulls in in a new Olds 98. Engine is hot as a firecracker, nearly glowing, smoking, seized up. She says "the oil light has been on for a while." I says "how long?" She says "since about Erie, PA." You just can't make this stuff up...

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  2. I think that ship-looking thing in Moorestown is in the same field that used to have the giant golf-ball structure back in the 60's. It was on RCA property and was one of the "DEWLINE" installations which stood for defense early warning something, something. Super duper double top secret stuff at that time. Inside the ball was a giant radar antenna. Sucker was huge, I estimate 3 stories high. By special permission of a senator and an admiral my boy scout troop managed to get a tour of the facility. When we were in the dome at first the antenna wasn't moving... But when they started it up I nearly jumped out of my socks. It was about like, imagine, a 3 story building spinning about 60 RPM. The slew ring on the bottom of it had to be 30 or 40 ft. in diameter. Nothing that big should move that fast. Truly stunning. Giant big screen across the width of the building with dozens of guys tracking every single thing in space including even the pieces of space junk. Looking, watching, for anything coming over the horizon. Its been nearly 50 years ago now but I'll never forget seeing something that big move that fast. I imagine long since declassified so maybe there is some video on YouTube or somewhere.

    Found it if you are interested. http://jsf1.homestead.com/MoorestownGolfBall.html

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  3. WTF??? Indeed. Could be an attorney told her not to abandon you and don't leave the property lest her claim be reduced in some way. Document every damn thing you can to protect yourself. And be extra careful what you post on social media or email. If it gets ugly it could all come out in court. I hope things work out for you Sir!!

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  4. Appreciate if one of you long-time BMT'ers could bring me up to speed on the Winfall story. I've been on BMT for 2 years now and really enjoy the Winfall comments and photos, and the "I was in a hurry and didn't have time to help her out," etc.

    Can someone tell me how it all began? There must be a story or happening there that got it started.

  5. Depending on how fancy you want to get you could use Ipe wood. (pronounced E-Pay) A little pricey but your deck will probably last forever. That stuff is water resistant and hard as iron. Doesn't warp either. That's what they use on boardwalks, Atlantic City, etc. It so tough you need a carbide tipped saw blade just to cut it. Google it, lots of suppliers who will ship it to you if can't find nearby source.

  6. I'm no lawyer, but to me this is far from a foregone conclusion. As I see it, the truck makers would not have signed up for that exclusive transmission deal unless is was at a favorable price deal for them. That said, the truck makers then still competed mightily with each other for sales to end user customers. One could argue that the truck buyers actually benefitted from the REDUCED cost of a mass produced standardized component.

    Sure, ZF Meritor had a legitimate complaint. Truck buyers proving they were injured is an entirely different thing. I think they will need will need to prove the extent to which they were actually damaged. They might have a case though if they can prove the Eaton transmission was inferior to the ZF and therefore they incurred higher maintenance costs.

    I wouldn't be surprised if this thing is thrown out. Somebody straighten me out with a different take please...

  7. If you wanna upgrade, I got a nice 1000 cc Kawasaki Z engine laying in a corner of the shop. Four valves per cylinder, fuel injected, water cooled. About 160 H.P. You could win any race back to the clubhouse. :D

    (I think you're gonna need a stronger differential and drive axles though.)

  8. You are welcome, glad to provide the link. I'm sure they'd be glad to quote you on what you need. I've never purchased from them, just had a nice conversation with their sales manager at a trade show a few years ago. At the time they sad they welcomed all orders small and large. If you do get a price from them, maybe you could let us know if it's reasonable...

  9. Ain't it amazing how much work we're willing to do to go fast -- or at least have a one-of-a-kind that nobody else has.

    I remember me and another guy shoe-horning a dual quad 392 into a 55 T Bird back before those T-Birds were collectors items. Wasn't all that fast but nobody else had one. Absolutely nothing fit right. Everything had to be modified or fabbed from scratch..

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