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Everything posted by GGB3_MS

  1. Well, it is funny (not really) that you both mention that. I actually started the process before I asked (imagine that). Yep, I heard a short, a buzz, and then my low air pressure warning buzzer buzzes all the time, although the tone changes a little around 60 psi. (I do learn better with a good kick to the nuts.... but I really would like to start askin first....... Thanks for the help, George What kind of issues did y'all experience?
  2. Hello all, I am looking for some direction or helpful hints to remove the glass and mechanics of the door panel on a B model cab. Any info appreciated. Thanks, George
  3. Hello all, What is the best way to remove the dash panel? What needs to be loosened before pulling it out some, etc. Is there typicall enough slack to pull it out a ways to replace some switches etc. Any info appreciated. Thanks, George
  4. I see the solenoid type buzzer but what sends the signal (voltage / circuit completion) for it to start or stop buzzing? I assume since it will not go off and keeps buzzing, that it is working. Just the switch for air pressure is hosed. Am I right in this? I guess in saying all of this, I am asking where the "pressure" switch is? Thanks for the response, George
  5. Hey y'all, My low air pressure warning buzzer normally comes on with the turn of the key and goes off when system pressure is around 60 PSI. Here lately, it is staying on although air pressure is normal. What switch turns this on and off, where is it and should it be replaced. I rapped it with my hand it it shut off. Also, I was thinking of putting a wig wag in the cab. Do they attach well to the access panel above the windshield in the middle? Thanks in advance, George
  6. For reference, mine is low on the passenger side and is a 711. George
  7. I called before I bought my B61 and they said "sure, it is a 1963, yeah the tag is $26.00. Bought it, went to the tag office and the real tag was $530.00 every year. I posted the same question a while back and the general consensus was it depended who you got at the tag office, their knowledge, phase of the moon, and if you held your mouth right. Good luck. They told me they would give me the antique truck tag, but the truck could not leave the property............ Our government at work.
  8. My batteries are run down in the B61T. Is there another acceptable way of charging the batteries with out disconnecting them and charging individually? I have 4 batteries on a 12 volt positive ground system. The batteries are 6 volt which would mean to me that it is a series - parallel combination. Any advice appreciated. George
  9. Hey y'all, What is the best procedure to bleed a END711, if it were to run out of fuel? Does fuel run back out of the system if it were low? My B61T has sat for about two weeks and it would hit a few times, however, would not run. It has always started very quickly in the past. Seems like it is not getting fuel. Thanks for any info. I am trying to find the correct fuel and oil filters for it now. I understand the Fram filter numbers are C1164PL for fuel and the C206 for bypass oil. George
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