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Break Down

other dog


Well,I just got home again,and I should've been here early this morning.Picked up a load of steel in Twinsburg,Oh. yesterday going to Buena Vista,Va,and was coming down the W.V.Turnpike last night minding my own business when my air dryer failed.Called road service,but he couldn't bypass it,all the parts stores were closed,so the guy told me he'd get one in the morning and be back to put it on .I was just south of the first tollbooth at the Sharon-Cabin Creek exit and had to be in Buena Vista by 3pm to get unloaded.By the time the service man got there and took the old dryer off,changed out the fittings,and got the new one on it was about 11:30am,but I made it in time.I'm off Sunday-going to the dentist Monday.


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