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C150 carrier problems

Looking for some tech help this morning,we shucked a power divider in a 2013 GU713 the other day trying to jerk a buried truck out with another loaded truck,ordered a REMACK rebuild 4.19 ratio,when it showed up we noticed a little difference,the new one had a wiring harness for the locker device that my old one didn't even have,dealer said put er in and don't worry about it.Now we're installing the axles and the passenger side slid right in,the drivers side will not go in,what the heck?



Granite Cab Swap

Hey Mack people,I have a 2005 Granite CV713 we flopped this Fall and looking to replace the cab,I can find all kinds of Vision cabs the same era,will the Vison cab interchange with the Granite or are they totally different as far as mounts and firewall openings,any help would be greatly appreciated,Greg



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