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air compresson change ?

Harry MTrucks


Hi need help mechanic is busting me , my entire air syst seems to be contaminated with brownish black type of dirtish oil and its cgging my hoses ruining my braks system and the tanks are all contaminated , do I need a new compressor or is a filter ? the mechanic cleaned the air tanks and they were full of this material , and the air systems is constantly getting clugged ... what coud it be I feel the mechanic is cleaning but not fixing my main problem help!1


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weird how dirt is getting in?but it sounds like the compressor is bad,id check the air filter system to make sure its sealed good after the filter element

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Had a Coolpower that you drained sludge every day from it. Fitters put a new compressor on her and no more sludge ! Hope this helps mate


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