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wyatts mack

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    roswell new, mexico

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  1. A little over 1 year ago my 3 year old son saw a fire truck. We went and looked at it and he ask if he could have it. After doing some research he and I are now the proud owners of a 1931 Mack type 90 aerial hook and ladder with a 65 foot ladder and tiller steering.We have decided to restore it and put it back in parades. The truck is 90 - 95 % complete parts wise and mostly needs painting. I was able to get the 81 year old orignal engine running after sitting for 20+ years. If any one has any information on where I might be able to obtain some parts for a truck of this vintage please let me know as I am in need of a speedometer and pull type switches.
  2. Name: 1931 type90 aerial ladder Date Added: Owner: wyatts mack wyatts mack
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