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Everything posted by Beekster

  1. That's the problem Veeight. Brochures measure the wheel track, which varies depending on the size of rims & tires. It's 104" for the 24" x 12" wheels, which is what's likely for heavy haulage use like transporting tanks. That's great; I can set my axle width for that. But that isn't the same as the fender measurement, and that is critical for working out the hood pieces and the stub fender on the passenger side beneath the air cleaner. The AMT 1/25 kit measures about 92", but that's suspect because the whole thing flexes as you put the caliper to it. And at 92" that would leave the rear track a full 6" wider on each side at the back with the largest wheel/tire combo. That strikes me as a bit much...hence the question in the first place.
  2. I know that this sounds silly, but since I don't have a real one in the driveway I'll have to ask: What is the width across the fenders on the DM 895? I am trying to work out proper dimensions for 1/32 scale, as I am converting an R600 kit into the DM895. I've got a 1/25 scale kit to measure as well, and it comes out to 92" wide. My brochures don't state this dimension either, just the outside track of the duals which is a few inches wider than the front fenders. Anybody know the actual fender width at the front? Thanks!
  3. Photos of my scale model Mack projects in progress
  4. From the album: Greg Buechler's Mack models

    Mack DM895SX and lowboy in progress, 1/35 scale. Started with Revell R600 kit; those are the dark blue bits. The gray wheels are AEF-Designs, no longer in production and not quite round, either. I'm working of new master patterns to replace them. This truck will eventually be a green/tan/black camouflage in Chilean Army service. The cream-colored barrels will be covered with fitted tarps made from epoxy putty. Lots of little details still to finish.

    © Greg Buechler 2011

  5. Thanks, Mark! That's one dimension down, and I'll go trolling via the link in your post to dig up some more. I've found a reasonable number of pictures of this rig, and I do have Bart Vanderveen's book. Good as that one is, it is so comprehensive that the data on each individual variant is a little sparse. Thanks again! Greg
  6. Good day to you, everyone! Could someone tell me the proper model designation for this sleeper style; it's on an IDF DM895SX prime mover. How about pointing me in the directions of drawings or dimensions? I will need to scratchbuild one for a scale model I'm building. I've got good numbers to scale from for the frame and cab/hood/fenders, but not for the sleeper. I'd prefer not to guesstimate any more than I absolutely have to. Thanks for any assistance! Greg
  7. Yes, Josh, I am aware of that one. In fact, I expect one to show up in my mailbox any day now. I'll use it first as a mule to measure from, so that I can modify/scratchbuild what I need for my 1/35 scale version. Measure the AMT parts; do the math to convert to 1/33.5 (which is eally what hte Monogram Snap-Tite kit comes out to), and make new parts as needed. Eventually I'll build up The bigger AMT truck and find a good trailer to go with it, like that tri-axle dumper. I'd love to see photos of your model. I'm working in 1/35 because I'm primarily a Sherman tank guy. This project is of a Chilean combination, all of it ex-Israeli: DM895SX tractor (no sleeper, winch platform), 40-ton Netzer-Sereni lowboy (scratchbuilt), and M50/60 Sherman (several Sherman kits, highly modified; my own metal gun barrel). Cheers! Greg
  8. Hi, all! I'm new here, and not a truck guy specifically, but rather a scale modeler. I'm interested in building a tank transporter using the Mack DM895SX tractor. I've got a 1/32 scale R600 kit and know going in that most of it won't be used; lots of scratchbuilding. The Mack Museum provided some great exterior shots and specifications, but I could really use some detail and interior shots of one of these trucks. Anyone here own a DM series truck that they would be willing to photograph? Interior layout, details of the various exterior fittings, and so on. Thanks! Greg
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