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Everything posted by gmcsierraclassic

  1. Real nice truck! I had seen some pics of it before while googling the net for RS700 and RS600 pics. It remembers me of a special truck that I don't need to mention....LOL And would it be possible for you to make a photo walkaround of the frame, crossmenbers and air lines and electrical along the frame rails for me? It would be really appreciated.... Yours is the perfect candidate for a photo walkwaround! THanks a lot, Steve
  2. Good day all, I have a special request to make...I'm a modeler who makes customized model truck with every details possible, and plan to make a detailed RS600 or RS700 model soon, but I can't have access to such a truck in my area for a photo walk around of the parts that are particular to the RS600/RS700 series compare to the R600/R700 regular Macks...I've seen only 2 RS series Mack with my own eyes in 40 years!!!! I'm in eastern Canada, and these things seemed to not come around here back then.... I got access to Mack brochures for the Valueliner series from the mid-eighties, but it is really not useful as for frame and suspension components. Does anybody have a RS600 or RS700 and that would be kind enough to take detailed pictures of the frame, crossmenbers, air tanks and air lines path through the frame rails so I could make an accurate model of such a Mack? The path of the air lines that go from the air tanks under the battery boxes on either sides of the RS series is a mystery to me, as well as front spring hangers and cab supports. Any photo walk around of such parts would be greatly appreciated!!! I've contacted Mack headquarters, and they were very helpful in providing old brochures and such, but as for frame details, you guys will be of greatest help! Thanks, Steve
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