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Everything posted by Shark11408

  1. Yes I have the proper tool to expand the injector cup and it was installed per Mack standards. Right now I can’t keep the truck started and running without manually pumping the prime plunger constantly. As soon as you stop pumping the primer the truck will shut off after 20-30 seconds
  2. Was trying to do a 6 pack on cups but turns out every single cup is so stuck in the holes that getting them out would be removing the head and punching them out. I don’t have the equipment for that. I only got #1 out by tapping the hole and using a small slide hammer after about 1.5 hours of trying it finally gave free. I don’t know what to look for in fuel delivery. I am guessing a sending unit but not 100% never seen this issue before
  3. Not familiar with the setup at all. I work in Detroit motors mostly. Yes the truck will only stay running if you manually prime it constantly
  4. Recently had a cylinder #1 injector cup changed and now my truck won’t stay running for more than 20 minutes. I grabbed my son to manually prime the truck while I started and ran the truck. The truck will stay running as long as you continue to manually prime it. The minute you stop it takes about 30 seconds for the engine to shut off. I am lost on this matter. Any and all help is appreciated
  5. I am going to try the tap method. I just have to find the right tool to pull it after the tap. Any suggestions ???
  6. Yes the tool keep coming out without the cup attached no matter how tight I have it
  7. https://ferrumtools.net/products/fe_volvo6?variant=31679000608811&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpunmxri2_AIV7smUCR3Y5gPIEAQYAiABEgJ5VPD_BwE
  8. Ok I have begun an injector cup job on my Mack MP8. Well I spent a lot of money on special tools to get this job done. Well cylinder 1 first injector cup I attempt is stuck. Will not come out no matter what I do. I have tried my heat gun and spraying a white lithium grease(not a lot) but not is working. The cup just won’t come out. Any suggestions ??
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