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Need Some Advice!

Hey everyone, just joined this site and looking for some advice. I have a cesspool pumping company and I run an older 1994 Frieghtliner with a 3406 Cat engine in it. Needless to say it sucks down some fuel and with fuel prices on the rise it gets tougher every time to fill that tank. The company I used to work for had a fleet of Mack RDs that ranged from years 1993 to 2001 and I have to say I loved those trucks (and they got considerably better fuel milage). When it came time for me to step out on my own and break into the small business world there was the oppurtunity to grab this Frieghtliner for a fair price and despite my love of Mack trucks I bought the Frieghtliner anyway. So here I am getting to the point where I might be able to upgrade this year and get myself back into a Mack and I'm challenged with the question of whether I should buy a newer electronic controlled engine or an older mechanical engine, the main reason why this is such a concern of mine is because I'm looking into the possibility of running biodiesel pretty soon. So I'm looking for peoples' thoughts on using biodiesel in Mack engines and what years had the most benefits from the mechanical engines and what benefits may come from the electronic modules if any?


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