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Posts posted by 1961C95F

  1. What started out as a joke in May of 2009 turned into reality June 2009. My wife and I purchased a 1961 C95F fire truck. We consider the restoration 15 year project. Over the last year we primarily worked on the brakes, replacing the front wheel cylinders and master cylinder. With the brake issue resolved, we moved onto re-upholtering the seats. Upon completion of this project I decided it was time to give it its first oil change so we can drive it around. There we ran into a problem, I could not locate a Hastings 606 filter. I first turned to the Web and contacted Hastings to find that it was obsolete in October 2003. I then typed "Hastings 606" in my search engine and noted that bigmacktrucks.com had a forum on it. Thanks to you, I was able to come up with two possible solutions, I opted to keep the truck as original as possible and go with the Wix 51503 filter. At that time I decided we could not do without joining the site. We spent the last month trying to go through all the forums that applied to our truck. We've also noted an overheating issue. Even without the thermostat, we run over 210 degrees at speeds over 45 MPH. Thus far we have tried back flushing the system and making sure the air side of the radiator was clean. Next step is chemical cleaning. Hopefully this will resolve what I percieve as a problem. Although the truck will go over 70 MPH with plenty of gas pedal left for about 10 miles for all I know, 45 MPH is the maximum speed for distances. Any comments from other C95F owners are welcome. This winter will be spent removing the 3 years of oxidation as the truck was stored outside since it removed from service. With luck, we will restore it to its original beauty! As you may note from the picture attached, we have an aluminum Bangor ladder and the home made rack to remove. We're keeping it on for the time being with hopes of finding a local buyer that we will deliver to. One of the forums stated with a donation to the Mack Museum, we could get all the information we want regarding our truck. Unfortunately, I saw no information on how to find the museum.post-6478-015961800 1282174000_thumb.jpg

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