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Posts posted by klharper

  1. Hi I will throw in my two cents, and I think you are on the right track with the word compromise. If you are looking for better unloaded ride, an air suspension is hard to beat. Given that I would look at 2 different Hendrickson suspensions. The Primaxx and the AR2. The primaxx will give you better all around ride, The AR2 has better articulation and this is just a guess but it looks more durable for the more extreme areas. I do like the Primaxx for most applications though.


    I would really like a better "off-road" suspension at some of the job sites I find myself in from time to time...better articulation on the drives without losing contact with the ground...

    ...but the best "off-road" suspensions are not practical for my use. First because I have an air gauge running up from the air bags in the air-ride suspension that I use to judge the load I have on the truck (dual needle gauge, second line running to the truck from the trailer air bags)...most places that I load at aren't fancy enough to have scales on the loaders (and even if they have 'em, they aren't always very accurate) and it takes way too much time going back for more if you are light or dumping a little off if you are heavy. Second, because a lot of the time (especially on tanks), I am loaded one way, empty back...so the ride quality would suck pretty bad +50% of the time in a non-air-ride truck.

    Something like this appears to be a pretty danged good "compromise"...walking beam style axle articulation with air ride quality ride & the ability to use air pressure to estimate my weight...


    I probably can't afford to do anything with it now....just getting ideas in mind for if/when I have the means to put any non-essential money into the truck to make it work better for me...

  2. Hi all,

    I live in the corporate world of Mack/Volvo or whatever we are calling ourselves today.

    Currently I work in the area of rear suspension, aux axles, and height control. I do not have control of the camelback, but I am familiar with it and do work with the guys that do.

    Why am I here, basically I want to get feedback from the customer, and please pardon my narrow mindness but in general I am looking at newer trucks (5 years in less) and not the vintage ones.

    You are welcome to ask me general questions about the company, and I will answer them to the best of my ability. I will forwarn you that I will give you the answer to the best of my ability, but it has no backing from Mack/Volvo. Also I failed PC class, so my opinions, particularly of management decisions are not sugarcoated.

    Best of luck, and hopefully we can work togather to make a MACK truck great.

    KL Harper

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