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Posts posted by Charlie1234

  1. ch 613 with e-7 etech -tach will quit intermittent -when it does loses oil pressure and temperature-when tack comes back guages start also. any suggestions?

  2. thanx Joey Mack-wantin to do somthin crazy- tryin to build a 20,000# truck and hopper trailer-e7 is probly as light as 6-71 w a lot bettr output.

    dont know of anything lighter than a crackerbox.  got one bought m pickin up monday. the parts I cant do away with completely like a passenger seat, im gonna replace w luminum. evrybody heres lookin for a strait jacket.

  3. i have an lth but it has a steel frame. truck came out of Washington loog woods and had a broken frame reail on the drivers side under the cab. have to look for it but its there. wonder what in the world they put  on it to break the rail, mightve been two logs-you reckon.

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