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Mean Green

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Posts posted by Mean Green

  1. Joey is probly right ther is probly a hole plugged somewhere if you dont know its there you dont know its plugged also check the fuel like make sure its not pinched anywhere neighbor has a ford truck had to always had to use the choke found when somone put an engine in they had pinched the fuel line 

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  2. It’s sad to see trucks sitting and the owner will not part with them I had a friend that was scraping with a nother guy and he called me and said they had a few Mack b models and a bunch of other old trucks they were cutting up I asked what they wanted for some of the trucks and they wanted 2 to 3 thousand a piece I said all I wanted was some parts he said nope and took the sheer to them said he wasant selling parts off of them 😭

  3. Your doing the best thing drain it clean it and new gas it seems once it’s bad if you don’t take it all out the new gas ain’t no good either my dad had worked on his sisters blazer and he replaced everything to get it to run right fianly drained the tank empty and put in fresh gas and it ran great went to use the old gas in his mower and it couldn’t even run on it . Wonder if you used some muratic acid on it to clean the rust out may have to cut it some it’s kinda strong

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  4. Thanks superB I figure it don’t hurt to ask the problem with my truck is it’s a b 42 so my axle is very light I would like to find something that’s newer and hub pilot as that’s what I have in the rear of the truck now and it’s nice to have newer style brake parts. Your truck looks really good ! I see you don’t have front brakes I thought we had to run brakes on all axles in pa ? 

  5. I like Paul’s answer it might be a counter shaft bearing ? My duplex in my b model will whine in high gear with aux stick in low then will go away when aux stick is shifted to high I know there was some failure at one time seeing part of my trans case has been welded back together 

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  6. On 2/7/2024 at 6:58 PM, Joey Mack said:

    Yep,,   for example this little $8,000.00 beauty..  I tuned it up and replaced worn parts. I have less than $300.00 in it and it works great..  

    They were going to scrap it..   


    Isn’t it a shame how much people waste I’m the same way I hate seeing something that’s good thrown away I was at work one day and watched the parts man toss a brand new Alcoa hub pilot 24.5 polished rear wheel in the dumpster cause it was out of warranty I couldn’t get in the shop fast enough to get a ticket to take it home and fish it back out 

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  7. Bob your best bet would be get all the old bondo filler out of there get some fiberglass resin and matting and make all your repairs with that cracks and holes get it good and solid then coat with body filler . That filler will not last if used to repair cracks and holes and don’t buy the pink bondo brand either I hav had good luck with evercoats line of products I think advanced or auto zone sells it I used the rage gold it lays down nice and sands quick but it’s like 75 bucks a gallon last time I got it and I found if you put a nice coat down then hit it wit 40 grit on a big 8 in da sander it will cut a lot flatter 

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