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Posts posted by Jacrin

  1. I work for Mack trucks and I can honestly say that Volvo is destroying it as of 2-14-2019. The float (the number of trucks waiting for repair in the factory yard) is up to 836 and climbing steadily. We are actually running out of room to store them. This is all due to terrible work ethic awful management and planning. The work environment there is toxic, the co-workers, managers and union fanatics really do suck the life out of you, almost to the point sometimes where you're ready just to break down they also Volvo I mean as well as Mack care nothing for there employees there health or family issues. I missed a day recently to visit my great grandmother who was doing very poorly and I was pen listed for it. They have a very ridiculous point system do lots of these situations morale is terrible and nobody working there at this point really cares anymore and that is all thanks to Volvo. Layoffs are endless and the company lies lies to us and customers endlessly. I work at the Macungie plant. If you ever happen to be there and you see all those trucks sitting out back and you ask a manager or sales rep who so ever they will tell you right out that they are waiting pick up two faced that is the float that mentioned earlier. Every one has something wrong with it. I sort of droned with this speech of mine but to wrap it up as a Mack truck employee, Volvo will and is destroying Mack and its reputation and again. As an employee, I would not recommend buying a new Mack truck, that is unless they're going to give a free Kenworth with your purchase of the 120+ thousand dollar price scrap metal and I would not recommend working there either.


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