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Posts posted by frusterated

  1. Thanks again for the feed back staxx. The fuel bowl housing is tight. I'll check out the others when I get to work tomorrow . I work away from home. The wife and I both drive. They are both mack visions. We have a mechanic but in name only. Last week he was trying to set the clutch brake in one of the other trucks by setting the clutch linkage. Wound up with no free play and no clutch brake. :(. Normal shift is 13 hours a day for 10 days then home for 4 days. Tomorrow is day 4 so it's back to work again. Won't be home again until the 13th or 14 of September.

  2. Hi staxx. I appreciate the quick feed back. I've already replaced the check valve and the first day it held fuel but the next morning it was empty again. The old one looked good, no build up of any kind. I'm going to try stretching the spring a little.It might help. Another thing happened when I changed the old one. Before the change the filter would run about 1/3 full and after I put the new one in it only runs about an inch of fuel. Not sure why that would happen. Thanks again for the quick reply, I'm already enjoying talking to other drivers.

  3. Hi from Saskatchewan.

    Just found this forum today while looking for a fuel system diagram for a mack vision. The one I'm driving is the model with the glass fuel filter up on the firewall and it keeps draining back every night. I'm getting kind of tired of filling it every morning. On a lighter note I enjoy working on almost any thing mechanical, not so good on the computer on the vision. I hope I can contribute some thing to the forums. I've been driving for 40 + years. I started on an old B-61 Mack hauling logs. 100,00 pounds and 167 horses. The memories seem like the good old days but if I dig too deep, there was a lot of learning and hard work involved in those " Good Old Days". like the time I had to change a tire on the road in the middle of the night yea the new guy always gets the night shift.. The spare was chained on the deck behind the cab and when I rolled it of of the frame it hit the shoulder of the road and rolled on top of the hard crusted snow about 20 feet into the ditch before it went through the snow. I had to break trail through about 3 feet of snow to roll it back to the road. I learned next time to hook a cable to the tire before rolling it of the frame. New adventures every day. Thanks for reading ,Dale

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