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Posts posted by rynonitro

  1. Just installed new turbo and exhaust manifold gaskets due to one being blown out and turbo starting to go. Had to remove cylinders 3, 4, 5, and 6 fuel lines from the fuel pump to get the manifold off. Cylinders 4 and 6 delivery valves turned in fuel pump a little bit while trying to remove lines. Got it all back together and now it does not run right, sounds like it has air in the fuel system. Cracked lines on fuel pump one at a time, 1, 2, and 3 really spray out fuel and make the miss noticeably worse so everything should be okay there, 4, 5, and 6 kind of bubble fuel out and do not make a change in how it runs. What should I look at to try and get this thing running right? What did I do wrong?

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